Starting Turbo Carb Cyling!

My boyfriend and I are making a bet to beat the holidays. Whoever doesn't reach their goal in 8 weeks time has to pay for 2 tickets to Disneyland.

Will be starting Chris Powell's Turbo Carb Cyling plan with 4-5 days Low carb, 1-2 days High Carb, and 1 cheat day <2400 calories. I am about 130 pounds at 5'4 and hope to lose 5 lbs and 5% body fat.

My weaknesses are noodles and ice cream.
My exercises of choice are: Crossfit, Rock Climbing, Boxing, cycling, and yoga
Least favorite exercises: Running, Wall balls, and sand bag runs

Follow me to keep me on track! Thanks!
Any tips from those who have done this plan or have done low


  • PattyC64
    PattyC64 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm currently on an exercise/nutrition plan that has a carb-cycling phase . The 2 days with carbs (one serving) align with the strength days. The treat meal is a meal, not a day. The days I can have carbs are harder for me because I can't have fats on those days. One of my saving graces has been cauliflower fried rice. Filling, satisfying and only 50 calories in a cup! My other saving grace is that treat meal :) Just knowing it's around the corner keeps me straight during the week.

    Good luck!