Hi! New Vegetarian Here :)

DenverRose Posts: 2 Member
edited November 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I'm a newly-minted vegetarian and wanted to use this app to help me watch my nutrition as well as hold me accountable for exercise and staying away from sweets. Although I want to lose weight, my main goal is not to look a certain way, but just to be healthier! I love yoga and hiking and meditating on the beach. I'd love to add friends who are fellow vegetarians and yogis :)


  • DenverRose
    DenverRose Posts: 2 Member
    Also other fitness pals are welcome to add me:) I didn't mean to sound exclusive about who should send me a friend request! Inspiration is great from a anyone anywhere.
  • fhocklax27
    fhocklax27 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey there, if I were you, I would check out a plant based, vegan diet. I was just like you and wanted to stop eating all the fake sugary crap, and then I went on youtube and found people like NinaAndRanda and FreeleeTheBananaGirl who introduced me to veganism. After a month of this, I no longer feel the need to eat all the junk since my body is nourished by real food. Plus, I'm eating around 2000 calories a day and losing more weight than when I restricted to 1300 by just eating fruits and whole grains whenever I'm hungry. Plus, I've had WAY more energy from all the natural(healthy) sugars and carbs to do some yoga!! I'm totally available to talk if you want more information, send me a message or add me as a friend! :blush:
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    fhocklax27 wrote: »
    Hey there, if I were you, I would check out a plant based, vegan diet. I was just like you and wanted to stop eating all the fake sugary crap, and then I went on youtube and found people like NinaAndRanda and FreeleeTheBananaGirl who introduced me to veganism. After a month of this, I no longer feel the need to eat all the junk since my body is nourished by real food. Plus, I'm eating around 2000 calories a day and losing more weight than when I restricted to 1300 by just eating fruits and whole grains whenever I'm hungry. Plus, I've had WAY more energy from all the natural(healthy) sugars and carbs to do some yoga!! I'm totally available to talk if you want more information, send me a message or add me as a friend! :blush:

    Weight loss is all about calories in vs calories out. I can guarantee you aren't losing more eating at 2000 than you were eating 1300. Either you're not eating 2000 now, or you weren't eating 1300 then. Your body doesn't defy physics. Freelee is a complete con artist. She doesn't eat the amount of calories she says she does, and she spends most of her time exercising, which is why she can eat so much. It's very possible to be an overweight vegan, even a plant based one. There are a lot of people here who got fat eating 'healthy' food, just far too much of it! Calories matter for weight loss, what you eat to get your calories only matters for nutrition.