Anyone's guy crazygoing after you lose a bunch?



  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    I do get that it is a confidence issue. He is worried that he will lose me, which is so dumb. I have always been overweight since we met and married 20 years ago. He never knew the Skinny Me.

    It is just silly cuz my hubbie is pretty hot for his age. He is 63, looks 53. He works out every single day that I have known him. He has arms and a chest that No One would be ashamed of. He is very fit, mostly eats healthy (plus the candy bars...). and he does understand that I have diabetes, high blood pressure, and hypothyroidism. He knows I am doing this for my health....but he just gets crazy sometimes and worries that I will leave, I guess.

    He will retire in a few months. Now WHY would he think I would want to start life over with someone else? Just silly. Men are just silly sometimes......and I promise not to strangle him with my newfound weight-lifting strength !
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    My husband passed away two years ago, I wish he was here to see what I've accomplished. When I had lost weight in the past, he was very supportive and was more attentive and appreciative of my efforts. He would enjoy it if another man paid some attention to me, knowing that I would be going home with him, not the guy flirting with me. He definitely was secure in our relationship---God I miss him!!

    But on another note, I saw a female acquaintance that I hadn't seen for several months last week. She noted how much weight I had lost, asked me if I was feeling all right, as if the only reason I would lose weight would be if I were sick. I told her I was fine. Then she proceeded to ask me if I was "seeing someone". I told her that I was not, as if that would be the reason why I've lost weight. Why is it so hard to believe that I made choices to lose weight and get healthier for ME and me alone!!!
    SHERRYnGA Posts: 38 Member
    hahaha! Exactly! Who want another one WHO will be the same way ONE way or another...

    My hubby stood by me regardless... BUT Yes I seen changes in him when being out in public... haha He would pull me closer to him or walk right beside me... YES even said something to others who were checkin me out.... bahahaha

    You keep remembering THIS IS FOR YOU! <3 You worked hard & very hard it is! Let no one take that from you... :)

    HEY... wanna share your weights! bahahaha

    NOTHING but LOVE Sister!!!
  • hnewman07
    hnewman07 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 25 I have the same problem. my husband tells me you dont need to lose weight you are fine and get really jealous when I go out for a couple drinks with my grandmother. we live in a very very small town everyone knows I am happily married.
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    Men are just silly sometimes......and I promise not to strangle him with my newfound weight-lifting strength !

    Yes... yes, we certainly are... and all wives are saints for not strangling us insecure, silly men!!