Calories vs carbs/fat/protein

I have been keeping my calorie intake to around 1200 a day. Work out doing cardio 6 days a week and making sure I average 17,000 steps a day. Plan to add kettle bell in there for strength training. I have lost 71 lbs in 9 months. I've noticed the last couple months my weight loss has really slowed down. My question is should I try focusing on having a balance between carbs/fat and protein or just concentrate on my calorie intake? Any suggestions on how to get out of this rut would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    You should reach a point where weight loss slows at any constant caloric intake. Eventually you create less and less of a deficit as you lose weight.
  • dyersandy
    dyersandy Posts: 7 Member
    So you think I should just continue what I'm doing?
  • SativaMad
    SativaMad Posts: 171 Member
    Personally would start concentrating on macro splits.. Keeping carbs around workout times and protein and fats the rest of the day..
  • dyersandy
    dyersandy Posts: 7 Member
    That's what I was thinking too... Just afraid adding more calories will make me gain? Still kinda new to this and just trying to figure it out. Was looking at my macros and it looks like I'm lacking on protein and a lot of carbs. Need to work on switching those around I think! Thank you!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited November 2015
    Macro split won't affect your weight loss or rate of loss (unless you're playing with carbs and resultant glycogen and water weight loss)

    Tighten up your calorie logging both in and burn

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Set your diary to public for specific advice

    Also what time frame are we talking about "slowing down"? And by how much? Take weight loss in 6-8 week rolling cycles and average it per week to get a trend idea of weight loss

    Or use a site like or app like libra or happy scale to get the trend info
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    SativaMad wrote: »
    Personally would start concentrating on macro splits.. Keeping carbs around workout times and protein and fats the rest of the day..

    Yep! Right on!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Recalculate your calories every 10 pounds or so. _John_ is right, as you lose weight, your body needs less calories to function, so your deficit gets smaller. You will eventually hit maintenance for where you body is at unless you adjust. Use another calculator like to double check MFP if you're concerned.