Fall Racers (Week 1)

AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
Sorry it has taken me a week to get this started. We had unexpected guests staying with us which through me off track! For those of you already in the group I am excited! For those of you who are new. We are all training for a race this fall. Some first timers,some not. Just here to support each others training!

I had my first "long run" Saturday which wasn't really too far for me yet (6 miles) although I had a stomach ache kind of from the start. It went okay though. Did some hiking yesterday for my cross training and ran 6 miles again today! It is SO HOT. Thats the hardest part for me. 97 today. ran at 9 am and its still so hot!

How is everyone else doing?


  • choran
    choran Posts: 11 Member

    My week was ok. I have been carrying a bit of a foot injury for a couple of weeks that I am ignoring but it is not going away and I am afraid that if I keep going it is going to get really bad. I know I should stop for a couple of days at least but I really hate not running!!!! Also I have a half marathon Sunday week and I don’t want to rest before then!

    My week:
    Monday: 13.11km 1 hour 12 minutes
    Tuesday: 10km 54 minutes
    Wednesday: 11.58km 1 hour
    Thursday: Rest Day
    Friday: 13km 1 hour 9 minutes
    Saturday: 23.5km 2 hours 1 minute
    Sunday: 10km 52 minutes
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member

    My week was ok. I have been carrying a bit of a foot injury for a couple of weeks that I am ignoring but it is not going away and I am afraid that if I keep going it is going to get really bad. I know I should stop for a couple of days at least but I really hate not running!!!! Also I have a half marathon Sunday week and I don’t want to rest before then!

    My week:
    Monday: 13.11km 1 hour 12 minutes
    Tuesday: 10km 54 minutes
    Wednesday: 11.58km 1 hour
    Thursday: Rest Day
    Friday: 13km 1 hour 9 minutes
    Saturday: 23.5km 2 hours 1 minute
    Sunday: 10km 52 minutes

    uh oh, i hate injuries! Be careful!
    My week looks like this
    Monday: 6 miles (Done... it was so HOT)
    Tuesday: 3 miles
    Wenesday: 4 miles
    Thursday: 3 miles
    Friday: Rest Day
    Saturday: 7 Miles
    Sunday: Cross training.
  • jenjen84
    jenjen84 Posts: 117 Member

    I have had a bad weekend, I am hoping to go for a run this evening but we will see. I ran on Thursday but it was only 4.5 miles, so I am due for a long run. Hopefully my shin splints will have calmed down because they have really been holding me back from running farther and faster.

  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    whats this about racing?? is this a virtual or an actual one?
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    whats this about racing?? is this a virtual or an actual one?

    actual. We are starting a support group for people running races this fall. example: I am running the Detroit Marathon in October.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member

    I have had a bad weekend, I am hoping to go for a run this evening but we will see. I ran on Thursday but it was only 4.5 miles, so I am due for a long run. Hopefully my shin splints will have calmed down because they have really been holding me back from running farther and faster.


    Hey Jen, Sorry about your shin splits :C They can really hurt!
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Anne: Your week looks good! I might look into that plan. The one I am following is for beginner runners (which I am, but it's pretty basic)
    Jen: Do you know any good stretches to help/prevent shin splints? I have a couple if you are looking!

    Hey runners! :) After a rough weekend of eating and little exercise, I felt horrible! It was my younger brother's graduation party so we had lots of family here and LOTS of food. Oh well. I am done dwelling on it.

    I had planned to get up and run before work...but didn't. I walked to work and pumped myself up for a run after work. Went 4miles (a little under 40 mins) and it felt great. Nice breeze and a little rain sprinkles:). Ready to start the week. I rest on Tuesdays/Sundays so I won't be running today.

    Happy Running!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    feeling tired tonight. not excited about tommorows run.
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    Was supposed to do a run monday but then had to work over so missed that one.

    Tuesday - 5.31 miles, really pleased with this run average pace was 9.25 per mile, my pace seems to have got a lot better since i have lost weight.

    Wednesday - hopefully a run, but will probably have to work over again.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Was supposed to do a run monday but then had to work over so missed that one.

    Tuesday - 5.31 miles, really pleased with this run average pace was 9.25 per mile, my pace seems to have got a lot better since i have lost weight.

    Wednesday - hopefully a run, but will probably have to work over again.

    wow, great pace! I really need to get my pace faster as well. congrats!
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    hi was going to post last night (thursday) but completely forgot in the end.

    done a 5.44 mile was good to start with but then felt halfway as if i had no energy in me, i think that was due to me getting up at 4.45am to take hubby and son to bus station for their 5.30am bus to Wimbledon Tennis, and also i know i didnt drink enough water either.

    average pace was at 9.48 min mile, so i suppose i cant grumble as at least i am now managing to keep the pace under 10min mile.

    have a 10mile run to do with running club in 2 weeks time, so really need to get out more and put in more mileage
  • princesspurple
    Hi-I did my first half in April..I am doing a 5.2 mile tomorrow...I would like to run a marathon in November;)
  • dp_medic
    dp_medic Posts: 2
    Hey think about hitting a good spin class on your lite days and give your foot some time without getting out of the arobic work.
  • dp_medic
    dp_medic Posts: 2
    OK I am a pretty new runner. I see most of you are getting ready for marathons and 1/2s. I am just at the beginning of 10K prep. All in all it isn't to bad. I usally run 3-4 days a week and spin at least one day. (now that it is so hot spin is sometimes 2 days/wk)

    So anyway I'm out here too and glad to see that there are more runners out there.

    Saw a couple posts about shin splints Runner's World has a good article this month or last I'll see if I can find it for you guys
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    hi was going to post last night (thursday) but completely forgot in the end.

    done a 5.44 mile was good to start with but then felt halfway as if i had no energy in me, i think that was due to me getting up at 4.45am to take hubby and son to bus station for their 5.30am bus to Wimbledon Tennis, and also i know i didnt drink enough water either.

    average pace was at 9.48 min mile, so i suppose i cant grumble as at least i am now managing to keep the pace under 10min mile.

    have a 10mile run to do with running club in 2 weeks time, so really need to get out more and put in more mileage

    10 minute mile is good!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hi-I did my first half in April..I am doing a 5.2 mile tomorrow...I would like to run a marathon in November;)

    join us! we are just trying to support each others training!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    OK I am a pretty new runner. I see most of you are getting ready for marathons and 1/2s. I am just at the beginning of 10K prep. All in all it isn't to bad. I usally run 3-4 days a week and spin at least one day. (now that it is so hot spin is sometimes 2 days/wk)

    So anyway I'm out here too and glad to see that there are more runners out there.

    Saw a couple posts about shin splints Runner's World has a good article this month or last I'll see if I can find it for you guys

    a 10K is a great place to start!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Hi everyone, I'm doing a 1/2 marathon in the fall. I did one two years ago and am excited to do another. I am hoping that from there I can do a 30km race and then go to a full marathon but for now I will concentrate on the 1/2!! I started my week out great with running but then my son caught chicken pox (even after he was vaccinated) and my twin girls have had fevers so I have missed 3 days. At least my husband is home tomorrow. I need to do an 8km run and a 5km tempo run this weekend and cannot wait!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    7 Miles this morning... not into it :C GOING TO RUN THOUGH!
  • princesspurple
    i did my 5.2 mile race today...my time last year was 54+ and my goal this year was 47....I did it in under 45 minutes..somewhere between 44.34 and 44.43....will know once the posts goes up!