
Does anyone decrease their weight before a vacation? So when you get back the inevitable weight gain is within their maintanence range?


  • cjwils169
    cjwils169 Posts: 10 Member
    Been on vacation twice this year, didn't gain a pound. Changing my eating habits were a lifestyle change, not just to loose wait or maintain. If I deviate for a week, its over for me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've never actually gained weight (fat) on vacation. i enjoy myself on vacation, but i don't treat it as a license to go ape *kitten*...i still make sound nutritional decisions and while i generally don't do any deliberate exercise, we're always on the go and out and about seeing what there is to see, etc. our last vacation, we were in Mission Beach and we rented bikes and biked pretty much everywhere we needed to go in the area...I think we got in the car all of twice.

    keep in mind that if you fly, you're going to put on "airplane weight"...which is water...if you've ever paid attention, you will notice that your feet swell when flying...i put on a good 8 Lbs or so just from flying. it comes right off when i get home. also keep in mind that if you're eating a bit more than normal, you are going to have more inherent waste in your will also retain more water, particularly if you're eating more carbs than normal as your glycogen stores replenish themselves.

    not all weight is'd be hard pressed to put on much in the way of actual fat on a little vacation unless you were just going ape *kitten* and then not doing much of anything except lounging around.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I make a point to exercise when I'm on vacation. I'm also mindful of what I'm eating, but I do eat out more, and have beers or whatever.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I tried to lose before but my weight is not going below 133 so it didn't work, but I lost the 2 pounds I gained in 2 months without changing anything.

    We were gone for 10 days, I tried to make good choices most of the time, but options were often limited, so I ended up going over more than I'd like (I need a big breakfast and the breakfast options sucked, so I had to eat more calories to be full, and we ate out all the time). Plus with a kid who hates walking, well, we were not as active as I wanted to be, unfortunately.
  • BikeTourer
    BikeTourer Posts: 191 Member
    No I don't lose in advance of vacation. I prefer active vacations so I tend to up both calories in and calories out.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    If I can I always try to look my best for a vacation so to me the number on the scale is irrelevant. I eat and drink as I please and try to stay active (walking, swimming, etc) and I come home with minimal gain.
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    I am flying to Sedona, AZ. I will be hiking, but then visiting friends in Phoenix. I don't want my friends to think I am an exercise freak (which I am). I have in the past signed up for free trials at gyms when the vacation was going to be sedentary and a lot of eating, drinking, and socializing.
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    Vacations are typically 1-2 weeks, so you really should not worry about gaining too much if at all. Enjoy the vacation. Keep active. I love exploring the hotel gym...maybe some new toys to try out. If you are in a city such as Venice, Rome or on a could you not be active and take a jog or walk. I like to drop weight before vacations that involve the beach or pool so I can look and feel my best. Enjoy the local food. You never know when you may get back there again.
  • webbs32210
    webbs32210 Posts: 10 Member
    My husband and I vacationed in August and my plan WAS to lose weight beforehand but I didn't and I was fine with that. On vacation I relaxed and enjoyed myself and the great food I ate