Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @HGSmith0920 - I'm feeling tired just reading what you needed to get done yesterday! Hope you managed to tick things off your list. Your lazy morning sounds lovely - I miss those mornings! Hope things are settling down for you at work.

    Jen - good for you having such a good day. You are absolutely right - whilst we can do this on our own, having a great support system makes such a difference.

    Rachel - well done for stopping at one cupcake. I took cake into the office on Tuesday and was somewhat less successful about stopping, no willpower! Hope your muscles are recovering!

    @clicketykeys - sounds like guessing a bit is going to be your only option. But it's only one day and if you are sensible about things, it won't throw you off track too much. We have to have room in life to enjoy things whilst doing this otherwise I think we would all go mad. I agree with @HGSmith0920 - there are some really good popcorn options available these days which won't bust your numbers for the day. Hmmm....and now I want popcorn, sigh!

    Nicole - I know! Work just doesn't seem to understand that we have a social life to keep up with on here - it seems like I miss one day and there is so much to catch up on. Good to see you are still with us!

    Had a lovely birthday yesterday. My husband bought me a swanky new fitbit to replace my old, rather less swanky and unreliable one. We went out to see my parents for a cup of tea and ended up staying for a totally unexpected and really nice lunch with them. Then got Alistair out of nursery early and brought him home to help us eat birthday cake :). But back to work today. It is general election day here today so I've been out to vote - double bonus as it got me a good walk in before I started work this morning. Really not sure if I voted the best way but at least I did - none of our political parties inspire confidence right now but I believe that we should all do our bit and that way, at least I can say that I made my view clear. Ho hum, we'll see what happens once the votes are counted! Hope today treats you all well - need to get some more work done then pop out at lunch and buy some milk!!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Morning everybody!

    @janetay01 - Welllll... a day and a half. We're doing a dinner show the first evening, and then it'll be breakfast and lunch the next day, and probably dinner on the way home if not at the park. The buzz is that the dinner show overfeeds you, so my plan is to bring a cooler, pack up some of the dinner, and raid the ice machine at the hotel. Then hopefully that will keep until the next day, and we can nosh on that instead of eating out on the way home. Good on you for voting! I know sometimes it doesn't exactly inspire confidence. *sigh*

    My shift at the amusement park was GLORIOUS yesterday, @HGSmith0920! It was low-80s and mostly clear, just a few puffy clouds floating across a blue sky. It might have been uncomfortably warm, but there was a good breeze all day. The crowds were light, I didn't have to do too much rule-reminding, and when I did, people changed their behaviors without a fuss. I got to walk around in the section of the park that has loudspeakers all day, so (a) I got in about 25k steps, and (b) I had music all day! Then after the park closed, the water park was opened up for any employees who wanted to stay, so I changed into my swim gear and rode water slides for about half an hour. I only did the big one once... it was a lot of fun, but dear sweet baby Jesus that was A METRIC BUTTLOAD of stairs! But I got to go on all the other slides at least once, and I rode my favorite one three times! Congrats on the book! What's it about?

    @jdelaroy - Employee night was super fun, even though I didn't stay the full hour. My legs went "WE ARE DONE. Go home now and give us a hot bath with your Epsom salts!" I was kind of bummed that nobody else from my department (security) stayed, so I was there with a bunch of people I only knew a little bit. Maybe I would've stayed longer and been more social, idk... as it was, I was laser-focused on getting in my slide time! ;) And what a lovely treat from a lovely fella! It's so awesome that he remembers what you get and how you get it, and that he went without a treat just out of thoughtfulness for you! Sounds like a special guy ^.^

    Well @Rachel0778 it's not an event per se... I'm something of a Disney junkie, and Maleficent has always been my favorite villain, so I think it'll be a fun costume to have. I'll probably wear it to every convention and Halloween party I go to for the next several years, hahaha! Did you make it through the pole dancing class? I know what you mean about screaming muscles... it's two days after my abs class and I'm STILL sore! Good on you for striking a balance between strictness and indulgence. That's so awesome! Which flavors did you decide to try?

    Amen, @gymprincess1234! I've never been the most patient person, and trying to lose weight just seems to make me even more impatient than usual ;D

    So it's back to the pool this morning, and play practice tonight! And in between I've got to try to get the laundry and dishes finished up, because I've got long (12-13 hr) days at the park tomorrow and Saturday. Sunday's only 9, but that will probably be the day we get packed, because Monday we head to Dollywood!

    Oh, and I'm going to tryyyy out some ab exercises at the gym. We'll see how it goes. I'm ... well, let's just say I'm not setting my expectations super-high XD
  • PinkBuffalo
    PinkBuffalo Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All - would like to re-introduce myself. I'm a 50+ gal who has 'suddenly' found herself in a huge hole. It's hard to imagine I've really let myself get this far into this hot mess, but here I am. I'm a super hard working professional who travels a lot for work and have found myself enjoying the wonderful foods and wines of my respective destinations. That and hotel rooms put me in a horrible sedentary lifestyle that doesn't really feel 'like me' though I live in an outdoor conscious, active area. I decided to make a huge change at work and will be reducing my work load later this month. So it's time to get started....

    My goal is to lose 65 pounds by Sept 2019, which seems totally reasonable, but I'm six months into the goal and have gone the opposite direction. :(

    Not to be so negative, but I'm truly in my worst shape ever... and my mind and heart do not seem to be in the right place for this effort either. Yet, here I am. I've done this once before and did super well... until I didn't. Now it's all back and then some. I cry almost every day I'm so bummed out. It's like I just woke up and found myself in this giant mess.

    I'm super good about checking in to a community like this... that's how I did it before (on South Beach). So you can count on me to be a good cheerleader, commenter, supporter, etc. I'm just reaching out to get some encouragement to start this daunting project... ;-) Looks like a great group, and that's what is giving me some motivation to get started. Thanks in advance!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @PinkBuffalo Glad to have you in the group! Juggling weight loss and frequent job travel is definitely a big undertaking, it's tough to have to eat out constantly!

    @clicketykeys I went with vanilla oreo and butterfinger cupcakes: both were 100% worth it! Today I have the cupcakes out of the house so it's back to my regularly scheduled programming ;) What kind of conferences do you go to? I attend our local version of Comicon every year and love it! I did make it to pole and I'm so glad I did. I hope you're able to fit your ab workout in.

    @janetay01 That is exactly how I felt about our last election, but I agree that voting is important no matter what. I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday!

    @Evamutt I used to work a 12-8 shift and loved having that full day before work. I would almost rather go back to that schedule that what I am now

    @jdelaroy Great job adjusting your intake so that you could fit in the delicious fries and sorbet! I'm glad your SO is being so supportive!

    @HGSmith0920 You're publishing a book? That's amazing! What is it on? It sounds like you had a fabulous relaxing morning. I hope you accomplished everything you set out to do for the rest of the day :)

    I went to pole class last night and accomplished a new move I've been working really hard on, I was so excited!!! Today my day is filled with appointments and meetings (groan) but I decided that tonight I'm going to stay home, do laundry, read my book, pack, and relax solo before my crazy busy weekend. I'm heading up to spend a night at my girlfriend's and then a night at my Mom's before heading back down for a volunteering event with my SO. I literally went through my calendar and booked "me" days since I have been so overbooked lately I haven't been making time for myself. I love everything that I'm doing, but all put together it is just too much! Balance has never been my forte so I'm working hard to add it in and make it a reality.
  • PinkBuffalo
    PinkBuffalo Posts: 6 Member
    @Rachel0778 Wow! You've got a LOT going on. Balance is tricky but it sounds like you've realized a limit, so good for you. And it doesn't surprise me that you had something to say to many of us here (thank you). You know what they say about giving things to a busy person because they know how to get it done!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @hgsmith0920 I am envious of your time with the hubby. I get to see my SO every evening, but most days he is to worn out to do anything after work and the weekends, all it seems that we do is go go go…

    @janetay01 Happy belated birthday. Sounds like you had a great time with your parents. Great job voting.

    @clicketykeys Sounds like it was a great time. I dislike it when I don’t really no one, and I am super shy so that would be hard for me to do. Looks like you have a busy week ahead of you. Good luck.

    @pinkbuffalo Welcome! You can do this. It sounds like you set a very reasonable goal for yourself. Start with baby steps. Remember no one is perfect, it is just a matter of getting back up and doing it again. I once lost 50 pounds and gained it all back and then some. Now I am down 55 pounds! I have had some really bad weeks since I started trying to lose weight, but here I am still working on it.

    @rachel0778 Those sound yummy! What move did you accomplish? Great job! I love that you have scheduled in some “me” time.

    Had a pretty good day yesterday. Took it easy, as I have been working really hard, and I don’t want to get burned out. Checked our official times on the 7k, turns out I beat my previous time by almost 6 minutes not 3! Woo, that means I am 6 minutes from less than an hour. My goal for the next 7k is to run it all and be below 1 hour.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,334 Member
    HGSmith, I'm glad about your job. I'm very sorry about the son getting in an accident. Seems like if they wanted to fire you, they would have already done it. Keep us posted. Yesterday I did extra at the gym. I've been walking a 20min mile on the treadmill, I did an extra 10min. Went out to lunch with my best friend today. I don't like to eat out or the calories or trying to figure out the best thing to order that's good but we go to this breakfast /lunch place & last time I ordered a salad with turkey breast instead of the breaded chicken on it. Had one egg, some bacon & cheese & I got balsamic dressing on the side. Normally a salad doesn't fill me up, but this one does, so I order this when ever we go out. I also discovered non fat half & half. It tastes great to me. I use unsweetened almond milk in my smoothies, but normally I only drink milk or have cereal once in a great while & when I do, I like half&half in it. This one is only 20cal for 2 tbl. So along my journey I'm finding things I can substitute instead of giving them up forever. We looked around at Target & I found a cute bathing suit on clearance. It didn't have the bottoms but I have some of those speedo shorts that matched at home. It was SO nice fitting into a L size suit instead of a 1 or 2X. My bras are a bit too big too, so next shopping day....honestly, I haven't bought any "nice" clothes for years. I wore a uniform to work & at home I wear clothes I've had for years & hardly every buy clothes but now that I'm a size 12-14 instead of 18-20, I like trying on clothes. I really want to lose the last 15lbs so I've upped my gym workout. I don't want to eat less than I already do. There's another thread on here about volume eaters. That's what I am. I like to eat enough to last me 5hrs so I've been eating my snack along with my lunch/dinner & have just a little snack at 8pm, usually 1/2 cup of yogurt with fruit
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sigh - so the UK wakes up to a hung parliament, a governing party in the minority and months more of political and economic uncertainty and upheaval whilst a desperate Prime Minister tries to restore her credibility. And all this whilst we try to extricate ourselves from Europe - what fun :(

    Anyway, it's Friday!! Husband is working both mornings this weekend so Alistair and i have a couple of playdates lined up and we will go swimming on Saturday afternoon. Hope Friday is good to you all and that you have lovely weekends lined up.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Every morning I make tea and sip it as I fix breakfast. This morning I was getting out ingredients, poured the almond milk into the blender, making sure I had the right amount, measured out the chia seeds, and spooned them into my tea.


    Hopefully the day will improve... ;D
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @pinkbuffalo Too true-got to fit it all in!

    @clicketykeys Chia seed tea, sounds like a new health food craze lol

    @janetay01 Think on the bright side, at least you don't live in the US...

    @Evamutt That is a huge drop in size! Congrats!!! Sounds like you deserve some cute new clothes

    @jdelaroy I did a tuck during my climb prep so I'm one step further on getting all the way up the pole. And 6 minutes off is a huge accomplishment, way to go!!!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! So glad it's the weekend. I'm going a bit stir crazy to get off work today to head up to my friend's house for our girls night but I'm trying to be patient. I woke up early this morning to get my workout in and I'm currently trying to plan a fun trip for my SO and I for later this summer. It has to be a weekend since he can't get anymore time off, but I'm thinking maybe booking a room at a casino with the waterpark/swim up bar and a river cruise. It sounds like the perfect amount of exciting and relaxing (and I really want to play in the water this summer!). I realized that it's already June and I've barely done summer things yet. Next on my list is scheduling a kayaking date! I've never been but have always wanted to go and we've got a rental place in town so I have no excuse! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @evamutt It is great that you are getting things figured out, how often you like to eat, things you can use as a substitute, and even more gym time. Keep up the great work. I am so excited to get down to a 12-14. I am at an 18 from a 24 right now. If I get to 12-14 I will have to buy new clothes.

    @janetay01 Sounds like a lovely weekend sorry, hubby can't make it. Your political system sounds almost as bad as ours. A president who is probably only in office because of Russian interference and all he is doing is antagonizing every other country.

    @clicketykeys I hope it gets better for you too.

    Well I am exhausted, I was tired yesterday when I got home from work. (At least dinner was in the crock pot, just had to boil noodles.) Then went roller skating. The manager let me borrow her skates, 20 minutes in I fell on my butt. Now it is bruised, and leg and back don't feel great. BF is being a royal butt head today, can't find my debit card, and I just want to cry and go back to bed. Instead, I went to the gym, walked for an hour (3 miles.) stopped and ordered a small tea, Got the large instead. I think the world is telling me I need more caffeine, that or I should take it easy. Refusing to continue fighting with the BF, so basically we aren't talking to each other right now. Oh Joy. I am proud of myself for making it to the gym, even though I really really just wanted to stay in bed.

    Have a great, kick *kitten*, kick fat weekend.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Awesome job on the tuck. What a great GF, a surprise weekend sounds great. Enjoy your time with your friend and mom.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good morning good morning!

    Seems like everyone has been busy this week!

    @jdelaroy The first 2 and a half years of our marriage we worked such opposite shifts that we almost never saw each other, and if we did it was only for an hour or two before he went to bed and I went to work. The time we get now is so precious to us. We dont often do much then sit at home but I dont mind at all. We're both introverts so staying home together is what suits the both of us best.

    @Evamutt I spent 8 and a half years wearing a uniform to work so when I got the bank job I had to go out and buy office attire. I hated it because it had been so long since I had bought clothes that the sizes I though I were were actually too small. I'm a 14/16 right now. Four years ago I was a 4/6. I guess that's what marriage and quitting smoking does to a body. Lol.

    @clicketykeys I've poured the last of the milk into the sink instead of my coffee cup before! Lol. I'm glad work went well the other day! I hope you have a blast at Dollyworld! It sounds like you make smoothies for breakfast. What kind do you make?

    @Rachel0778 Congrats on the new move! In September, right between our wedding anniversary and my birthday, the DH and I are going to a couple conference. So that is our weekend away. We are very excited! I have a longish day today at work and I'm closing the branch at 7pm since it's Friday and a short morning tomorrow. And then I am off for Sunday! I cant wait!

    @PinkBuffalo Welcome welcome! This journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Take it one step at a time, be conscious of what you eat and how much you move! The weight will come off soon enough. Sometimes it just takes time! You'll get there!

    So some of you have asked what kind of book I am publishing. It is a book of poetry. The first part chronicles my battle with mental illness in high school. The second is a collection of poetry that I wrote after I found stability and a relationship with the Lord. The hard part about publishing it is the formatting. I use a program that does a lot of the work for me, but I have to do the physical html formatting, like all the spaces between lines and all the page breaks and indentations and things. So that takes a while and can be a tad frustrating. Lol.

    So yesterday was not a great day. Work was wonderful! But I didnt eat well at all. Had a donut and a GIANT bagel loaded with cream cheese at work, had a healthy dinner but ate terrible after dinner. I'm not sure why I've been eating so poorly. I think before last weekend I was doing all right but since then I just havent been able to get back on the wagon. So that kind of disheartens me. But I WILL do this! I will. I will!!!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,334 Member
    I too had mental health issues in high school & also became an alcoholic, until God gave me a new life, which I am forever grateful for. I'm so excited. after my work out at the gym today, I signed up for the personal training classes for only $10 more a month! I meet with a personal trainer Monday at noon then get started. the classes are limited in number so the pt can help you individually.They also offer nutrition help. I'm really looking forward to it.Along the lines of what the Lord did & does for me is, my whole life, even when I was a little girl, I always dreaded getting older & dying & now that I'm retired & 63, the Lord has brought new things into my life to look forward to. He surprises me all the time
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Tired. Work was 11 hrs, and I made it to the gym. Couldn't do all my reps. Better than zilch I spose. Tomorrow will be 13 hrs, and I'm just gonna come straight home.

    Happy Friday all :)
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    I had a little weight loss plateau and hunger crisis, but today I've got my flat tummy back, determination high and my food sorted - back on track! In 5 days it's my 7 month 'transformation' anniversary o:) Feeling quite emotional, proud and scared at the same time, cause my body is at the best shape it has ever been, it's kind of a shock every time I look in the mirror already.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Congratulations @gymprincess1234! That is awesome to hear :D

    I hope the classes with your PT go well @Evamutt. What will you be working on - or will you find out when you meet with the trainer?

    @HGSmith0920 - you may want to make sure that you have plenty of your healthy snacks nearby. Make sure to stock up next time you go to the grocery store! I find that it's really hard for me to just NOT EAT. Glad that work is going well! I hope that when you have your meeting, they're able to go "you know, you're doing so much better now that you're at this branch! Clearly THAT was the issue" ;)

    *hugs* jdelaroy - Hope things are getting better for you too! My day did improve somewhat. It was nice out, though I didn't get to walk as much as I would have liked.

    Kayaking sounds like lots of fun @Rachel0778! When are you planning on going?

    Going to be a long day today, and if we're understaffed (which there's a good chance we will be) I might get stuck at the gate doing bag checks all day instead of walking around. SAD FACE. *sigh*
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited June 2017
    Went for a run today and my leggings fell off. Had to tie them up with a hair tie. So annoyed, cause only got them 7 months ago when I started my fitness journey. They are in perfect condition and were pricey. :( The same with sports bras, I've lost my boobs, I need new ones, but there's nothing wrong with these ones !!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    On the positive side, my running keeps improving, I used to struggle with breathing during the first 10min and look at my watch the whole 30min, now I have no problem running even more, just get a bit bored haha

    Making a running play list has helped a lot, the right tracks really maximize energy!