Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,388 Member
    My best friend is from New Jersey. She was born & raised there, got married, had a daughter, split up, her ex died, her dtr got older & she prayed she can live in California some day. Met her now husband at her job, married & they moved here & had a son. Today is another hot one, 108, Thursday 109 then it'll start cooling off to the high 90"s, yay. Went to HIIT last night, it seemed a tad easier (it was still hard) instead of it being timed on each exercise, we did 50 of each thing including 50 calories on row machine. I really don't like the rap music they play so I'm going to bring my i pod starting next time. I'm wondering if I should keep going 3 days/wk or switch to 2 days/wk? any thoughts? I got up late today, so didn't get to dog park till 9:20, it was already too hot, so we just stayed till 10:15, even tho I hosed all my dogs down. Today I did it again! I planed to go volunteer at our rescue but again, I got so tired after I got home from park & ate lunch but I sat on couch & played my word game instead .DH grilled some pork steak early this morning before it got too bad but I'm going to go get some lean ground turkey & make patties. I can make 9 out of the 3lb tray. I love those. I can eat them every day for a long time. not too much else going on here (thank God) I'd rather it be boring & quiet than drama. I may go to pool again today
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,388 Member
    congratulations jdelaroy, I just went back & read the posts more carefully, what a wonderful example to your family & for all the benefits to you
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @gymprincess1234 - sorry to hear the move isn't a positive feeling for you right now. But as you say, focus on what you can control and you are doing a great job at that - hopefully the move when it comes will bring you good things.

    @HGSmith0920 - think today is the last of the really, really hot days and it looks like we'll get some rain tomorrow which would be good. Working from home today with the fan on full power - it's trying hard but it's struggling. Tell me about the discipline - I have trouble sticking to things I've discovered. And on the finance front, I always start the month with good intentions and by the end of it, I've spent money I didn't have on things I didn't need - and the credit card bill climbs. I'm being really really strict this month and I can see the positive difference -the challenge will be keeping it up!

    @clicketykeys - 45 minutes on the cross trainer this morning before the heat got too unbearable. Watched an episode of The Blacklist whilst doing it - great drama and love James Spader!! Sounds like you were in a really awesome mood yesterday - hope it keeps going for you!!

    @brainbeeitsallinyourhead - welcome!!

    Jen - that French toast sounds amazing. Well done you on your year - it really shows what great strides you have made when you list out your progress like that.

    Rachel - what a full on day, hope you maintained the impetus for the rest of the week. How was the double date at the winery - sounds fun. Box sets? The Blacklist - as above, think it's done so well and have a lot of time for James Spader as an actor. Boston Legal - never watched it but always liked the look of it. Madam Secretary - started watching it on Sky Atlantic then lost track. And Battlestar Gallactica (we've had this one a while) - got into it about halfway through when it was shown over hear years ago (more my husbands thing than me really but it hooked me!) and now need to go back and watch from the beginning. So with my aim of 3 x 45 minute Cross Trainer sessions a week, I should be set with stuff to watch for a long, long time!!!

    Not much going on here - work, hot! Hope you all have good days.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Happy 1 Year!!! You have accomplished so much and should be proud of yourself!

    @janetay01 Sounds like you've got some shows to get through! It'll definitely make the time on the cross trainer more interesting :)

    @Evamutt As far as dropping from 3 to 2 days I would listen to your body. If you're overly exhausted and not having enough recovery time in between sessions then it may be time to cut down. Otherwise if you're feeling good and your strength and endurance keep improving, keep at it!

    @gymprincess1234 Sorry you're having a rough time with the move. Change is really hard, and it's important to work through your feelings during this transition.

    @HGSmith0920 I feel you on the finances. I'm struggling with balancing that as well, especially since I had some major purchases recently that took a toll on the ole bank account. I'm glad to hear everything smoothed over at work, you're doing a great job!

    Welcome @brainbeeitsallinyourhead! I love fresh ginger in my tea so I'll have to try it with cold water too, thanks for sharing!

    @clicketykeys Glad you're having a great day, that raspberry mule sounds amazing! Glacier progress is still progress and that's what's important :)

    So I completely forgot I'm interviewing for a Leadership Institute program today, which means I am definitely not dressed my best :/ I am wearing a work branded polo and black dress pants so it's not horrible, but I would have probably thrown on a suit jacket if I had thought about it, ugh. Oh well, fake it til you make it, right? This week at work is insanely busy, I guess when it rains it pours!

    The happy hour last night was okay, but kinda blah. We only stayed for one drink, I just wanted to get home and go to bed (and I'm not a huge fan of drinking during the week since it makes me feel puffy). It was a beautiful night and the winery was gorgeous though so there were some definite plus sides.

    I'm looking forward to going to my pole dancing class tonight for some well deserved me time. I need some relaxation amidst the craziness.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Aww you people are so sweet <3 Thank you!

    Woke up with a cold today and also it's the PMS hunger games again.. All I want is to curl up and sleep, but will go practice my golf, hopefully fresh air will help.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Rachel0778 You sould like such a boss babe, especially with the pole dancing!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Evamutt where did you friend grow up? I love where I live. I just wish it wasn't so expensive! And I agree with everyone else, if 3 days is too much then definitely drop down to 2. You have to listen to your body and pay attention to what it's telling you!

    @janetay01 another show you should look into is Eureka! It is absolutely hysterical and has a bit of a sci-fi twist. I always recommend it! Yesterday turned out to be really really nice in the afternoon and evening. I'm glad the weather is going to break for you! I hope it cools off!

    @Rachel0778 I hope you get into the institute! Is it for your job? Or a just a way to better yourself? I'm sorry the winery was kind of a bust. I don't really like drinking during the week either. We have to cut alcohol out of our budget for now, until we have some money in our savings account. Buying my new(er) car killed our savings account.

    @gymprincess1234 I hope you feel better

    Been a pretty boring day at the branch. Have been here for two hours and it feels like five. And I still have three to go. Lol. Depending on how the weather is when I get home depends on whether I go for a walk or to the gym. Although I do have to travel 2 miles doing something other than walking. So maybe I'll pull out the bike. Lol

    The DH is closing his store tonight so I'll be home with just Panda(the cat). I'll have to keep my self busy so I don't overeat. Got to clean the bathroom and work on some literary stuff.
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    Hi everyone! I would love to join in on this thread. :smile:

    My name is Rachel, and I'm 26. I have steadily gained weight throughout my 20s, particularly after age 21. The combination of eating out constantly, huge portions, and alcohol has taken its toll. I weighed in at 197.6 lbs a couple of months ago. I couldn't believe I was almost 200 lbs! I was around 150 lbs in high school, and it's been a slow uptick since then. I would love to get back to 150-160 lbs as my ultimate goal.

    I joined a 10 week fitness challenge at a local gym that ended last Saturday. I lost 16 lbs and 18 inches throughout my body. I am very happy with my results so far! I ended up purchasing an annual membership to this gym to keep going. The people who work there/attend classes are really supportive, which is a big help. I currently do kickboxing Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and resistance band training Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, alternating upper and lower body. I have also started doing yoga on Wednesdays after kickboxing (I am a MAJOR newbie at yoga), and I finally have a bike for the first time in years, so I've made it my goal to go on a ride once a week. I am not good with hills! Lol.

    I have been doing really well with eating and tracking my food. The fitness challenge I was a part of allowed 1 cheat day per week, but I have been having 1 cheat meal every 2-3 weeks, trying not to go overboard. I've been cooking more and trying new recipes, so it luckily hasn't been too hard for me to eat healthier (so far). On Saturday, we had our end of the challenge celebration, and I ate and drank way too much. I was up 4 lbs on Monday, which I know has to be water weight. I'm back down 3 today (so only 1 lb above where I was before). I'm ready to not have another day like that for a long time! On Saturday morning, I weighed in at 181.4 lbs, and my mini goal is to hit the 170s by the end of June.

    The main reason I decided to get serious about losing weight is because I'm getting married in September! My fiancé has been working out with me too, and he also got an annual membership to the gym. It's very motivating to have him doing this with me, and I love seeing the changes in him.

    So ANYWAY, (that got long-winded) I am looking forwarding to keeping up with you all and sharing my challenges and successes!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @rachelbachel32 WELCOME!! You are in for a treat! We are a GREAT group! You'll have a blast here!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,388 Member
    welcome rachelbachel32, this is a great group, good to have you. HGSmith, my friend grew up in Bridgeport, she's asking me if your on the south or north jersey? We're still having a heat wave thru tomorrow, 109! So I was going to go volunteer at animal rescue today but my friend text & asked if I'm going to the pool. I like to go with her because it motavates her to go & I like to go too. She lost 70lbs by last summer & is the one who got me started to lose. She gained almost all her weight back due to a few things.....she has a health issue but mostly because she had all this work done on her house, inside getting rid of old stuff, going thru closets etc & painting outside, garage cleaning. It took couple months & she had to be there for most of it so got off track & felt too much in pain to cook. she usually has to stay in bed a lot cause of her condition so she couldn't with all this going on.All the work is done, except I'm going to help her with the kitchen but shouldn't take more then a day or two. She already lost 8 lbs, Her weight makes things a lot worse for her physically. I should go with her I think
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,388 Member
    Rachelbachel32, we are similar, except I'm older than you. I too was 150 15yrs ago & got to be 196-197 ish. Last summer I started mfp & have lost 41 lbs. Rejoined the gym I used to to go some years ago & started HIIT classes on June 12. Lost 4 pant sizes in a year. I'm aiming for 145 to give me wiggle room. Before I had kids, I was very thin but ate a ton. My mom said I was very sick as a child & hardly ate till I was 10, then started eating. On my 21st B day, we ate at a steak house called Fat Ed's in the Bay Area & if you could eat the whole steak, it was free. well...mine was free. My friend's mom counted how many chicken legs I ate at a time & she counted 19! I would steel the meat from in between my dad's lunch sandwich if there was nothing else available. My parents were legal immigrants from Hungary, so they cooked every thing from scratch. My mom would start cooking in the morning for me & 3 older brothers, when I was a teen she owned a restaurant which I worked at part time & also after I got married me & DH ran it a while , while my mom recovered from some surgery. So I was very thin till I got pregnant & gained 75 lbs the first time & 65 with the next 3 each & never lost it all, tho I tried so many things. This is the only thing that has ever worked for me
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Evamutt I'm from Central Jersey. The Jersey Shore actually. I live about 5 miles from Seaside Heights. She should know where that is. It's one of the biggest touristy areas at the Shore.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Well I took in a 5K cash deposit and didnt pay real close attention when I counted it because I was chatting with the customer and of course my till comes up $20 short. My manager and I looked for it but couldnt find it. The plus is that she didnt seem tooo concerned about it. And it was my first screw up in 3 weeks. So I guess that does count for something! Lol But other then that, work was slow but entertaining. Lol. We have a new girl who is a permanent teller for one of the branches that I bounce between and she's a lot of fun. So that's been fun teaching her things and answering her questions. Makes me feel like I actually know what I'm doing! Lol
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Good morning!

    I was debating if I should even post here, cause I'm off track with everything in life at the moment, and it doesn't even go under 'frustration' and moaning doesn't help anyone else :#

    With leaving my gym, changing time zones and being in a very flat area now, I feel totally confused with my workout routine. For 7 months I did Monday-Friday weights and indoor cycling for cardio, and added running in the last 1-2months. I was running in a hilly park/forest and loved my gym so much I basically lived there, which for me was 80% of motivation for working out.
    Now, left with flat city center and no spin studio nearby, I've lost the appetite for working out. I have a bike, can still run, have weights and roller blades at home, but the 'fun' is not in it anymore. I know it's all in my head, and the endorphins will still be the same here, but I hate the feeling of 'I have to work out' when for 7 months gym/run was the pinnacle of my day that I looked forward to and canceled other plans just for it. :'(

    With flying and stressing I've got a cold now, so it's Thursday, but I've worked out only 1 time this week! :(
    Uhhh, just need to get my *kitten* together and hustle. This is just a temporary 9 week situation after all..
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Btw, I love how we all are in even in different continents, probably ages and life situations, but fitness is such a uniting thing <3
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Just rewatched Shia LaBeouf motivational video where he's screaming 'JUST DO IT' and I think I'm gonna be back on track today :D
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @rachelbachel32! Congrats on the upcoming wedding! It sounds like you've set yourself up for success with the gym group and recording your food. Glad to have you here :)

    @gymprincess1234 It sounds like you're taking this move really hard. My biggest recommendation is to research other fitness groups in the area that you can join since you seem to like to workout in groups. It might be fun to try a new activity and it will help meet new friends in the area. (And you can post here about anything/everything-that's what we're here for!)

    @HGSmith0920 5K cash?! Holy cow! Is that common??? I can't even imagine keeping track of all that! It sounds like you're doing a great job, especially if they trust you with helping out the newbie. And the leadership program is through a local organization, but I'm using my professional development funds from my job to take part in it :)

    @Evamutt Homemade Hungarian food sounds amazing! I grew up in a house where my Mom never cooked so I'm super jealous! Counting calories is also the only thing that has worked for me as well.

    Happy Thursday!!! I'm feeling much more relaxed today than yesterday. I think my dance class and a night on the couch with my book really helped. Tonight is derby and then Friday my SO is taking me out on a fancy date since we literally haven't seen each other for more than 5 minutes this week (I miss him!). Hopefully today stays calm and relaxed. I'm really looking forward to this weekend since I don't have a ton on the schedule. It's the calm before the storm so to speak.
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    Thank you all for your warm welcomes!

    @Evamutt That's encouraging to hear that you were where I am and that you've had so much success! I hope to be where you are one day. :smile: Isn't it crazy how that weight can sneak up on you? I mean, I knew I was gaining weight, but I had no idea how much, so that was a big wake-up call! I didn't necessarily eat a lot growing up, but I ate whatever, whenever (ice cream at midnight, haha), and that didn't seem to matter.

    @gymprincess1234 I hope you can find a new workout routine that is fun for you! I stopped going to the gym many, many times, because I wasn't engaged and just didn't like doing it. Like Rachel mentioned, maybe a local fitness group could help? It's always nice to have that encouragement. :smile:

    I am still up 1.5 lbs after Saturday night, which is pretty discouraging. I want to be back where I was so I can get back to seeing losses! But I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing. I went to the gym this morning, which I generally hate doing; I feel sluggish in the morning and have never been someone who enjoys getting up early. I have my hair and make-up trial for the wedding tonight, so I have that to look forward to, and it's nice to have my evening all to myself. And I've had two people from work and one person from the gym compliment me on how good I've been looking today, so that is a definite mood booster!

    I hope you all have a fabulous Thursday!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I am going to de-bone that chicken! I AM GOING TO DO IT NOW!

    Husband said "just buy boneless and skinless next time... we'll see if we can't get bones from a butcher or something" XD
  • No_Knock
    No_Knock Posts: 52 Member
    Getting back in to this myself. Been an up and down year in 2017 after a kick *kitten* 2016. I didn't completely fall off the wagon, but there seems to be a habit of a 'chunk of weeks on, chunk of weeks off'. Could always use a core group for motivation. That's what we're here for right?!