

  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    No, I use an app on my cell phone that tracks my distance, speed and calories burned.

    I'd get a HRM to calculate your calorie burn. From everything I've read - the 'average person' burns about 100 calories per mile - depending on your age, size and fitness level. if you are over-estimating 130 calories a day - times 5 days, that's a 650 calorie difference.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    You might start counting your fuits and vegetables calories. I know that with WW they are considered 0 points food but they do make a difference
  • suemarotz
    suemarotz Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks OP for this post and all the informative replies. I have been doing WW/MFP and the Body by Vi CHallenge for almost a year and I have gained and lost the same 15 lbs like 3 times, I want the scale to go down once and stay down. Walking and ZUmba have been my go to exercises so I think I need to take the advice posted here and grab some heavy weights and feel the burn. I am scared of running, but maybe if I tried it I wouldnt feel like I used to in gym class. Thanks for the posts!!
  • darlinglovestory
    You might start counting your fuits and vegetables calories. I know that with WW they are considered 0 points food but they do make a difference

    I may quit WW for awhile and start jogging more and just using MFP. Idk.
  • tinamarie014069
    Even though you are doing weight watchers you should keep track of calories...just to know. I lost 40 pounds then hit a plateau. That is when I joined this site and last week I lost 4 pounds. I wasn't eating enough. Are you doing weight training also? I would recommend adding some weight training. Building muscle helps burn calories. Good Luck!!! You'll get moving again. Try not to get frustrated. :)
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    Interval training for sure. When you just walk, your body get's used to it. I would look up various interval training workouts for walking/jogging.
  • darlinglovestory
    Thanks OP for this post and all the informative replies. I have been doing WW/MFP and the Body by Vi CHallenge for almost a year and I have gained and lost the same 15 lbs like 3 times, I want the scale to go down once and stay down. Walking and ZUmba have been my go to exercises so I think I need to take the advice posted here and grab some heavy weights and feel the burn. I am scared of running, but maybe if I tried it I wouldnt feel like I used to in gym class. Thanks for the posts!!

    I acutally lost my first 50 lbs by eating right and doing Zumba about 5 days a week at home. The Cardio Party for 45 minutes really works.
  • darlinglovestory
    Even though you are doing weight watchers you should keep track of calories...just to know. I lost 40 pounds then hit a plateau. That is when I joined this site and last week I lost 4 pounds. I wasn't eating enough. Are you doing weight training also? I would recommend adding some weight training. Building muscle helps burn calories. Good Luck!!! You'll get moving again. Try not to get frustrated. :)

    Thanks! I Think I am going to take a break from WW and do MFP and jog and see if it helps then get back on WW.
  • tigermom12
    tigermom12 Posts: 39
    Something else to think about is if you are sensitive to carbs, you might also be sensitive to fruits and sodium too. I did WW for a very long time and just couldn't really be successful at it. I was always hungry and bloated. I switched over to MFP and boy was it an eye opener! I had no idea how much sodium I was eating! That is the reason I was always bloated. Sure, WW has meals, treats, etc but that doesn't make it good for everybody. Also, just because fruit is 0 points, I would still limit my servings to one maybe 2 per day. Maybe try logging your food into MFP and see the "whole" picture and not just points. Good luck to you!
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    This is what I'll probably do! I need to start jogging, actually. Thanks!

    weigths are nice, they startle your body in a good way. and they're much less boring than just cardio.

    But if you don't feel like joining a gym you can do your own HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) - the idea is to do a minute of your standard excercise (walk), then 10 seconds as hard as you can (sprint), then a minute of your standard excercise, then again 10 seconds as hard as you can. You can vary the proportions, for instance 5 minutes vs 1 minute or 2 minutes vs 30 seconds.
  • cmstraut
    cmstraut Posts: 15
    Well, I'm doing WW and that isn't by calories. Its points. So, I am eating my points, exactly. Not really counting calories and I burn about 330 calories when I walk 2 miles. So, about 1650 per week burned when I walk Mon-Fri.

    I would try adding interval training to your current workout. You can try the park bench workout on your walk or try jogging for 1 min intervals ever 10 mins. The key is to shock your body to help it continue to work hard. No need for drastic changes, just try to slowly keep adding new things.

    Good luck!
  • darlinglovestory
    Something else to think about is if you are sensitive to carbs, you might also be sensitive to fruits and sodium too. I did WW for a very long time and just couldn't really be successful at it. I was always hungry and bloated. I switched over to MFP and boy was it an eye opener! I had no idea how much sodium I was eating! That is the reason I was always bloated. Sure, WW has meals, treats, etc but that doesn't make it good for everybody. Also, just because fruit is 0 points, I would still limit my servings to one maybe 2 per day. Maybe try logging your food into MFP and see the "whole" picture and not just points. Good luck to you!

    Yeah, just reading your reply about carbs put like 2 lbs on me. I am really sensitive to carbs cause of PCOS and I gain EASILY when I eat them. Which sucks.
  • darlinglovestory
    Well, I'm doing WW and that isn't by calories. Its points. So, I am eating my points, exactly. Not really counting calories and I burn about 330 calories when I walk 2 miles. So, about 1650 per week burned when I walk Mon-Fri.

    I would try adding interval training to your current workout. You can try the park bench workout on your walk or try jogging for 1 min intervals ever 10 mins. The key is to shock your body to help it continue to work hard. No need for drastic changes, just try to slowly keep adding new things.

    Good luck!

  • darlinglovestory
    This is what I'll probably do! I need to start jogging, actually. Thanks!

    weigths are nice, they startle your body in a good way. and they're much less boring than just cardio.

    But if you don't feel like joining a gym you can do your own HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) - the idea is to do a minute of your standard excercise (walk), then 10 seconds as hard as you can (sprint), then a minute of your standard excercise, then again 10 seconds as hard as you can. You can vary the proportions, for instance 5 minutes vs 1 minute or 2 minutes vs 30 seconds.

    This is more realistic for me cause my fat butt can't jog for long, yet.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I always think that a plateau is that you actually figured out what YOU need (in terms of diet and exercise) to stay at your current weight. So, you figured out maintenance for your exact weight.

    I know it's strange to look at it that way but it is exactly what is going on.
  • darlinglovestory
    I always think that a plateau is that you actually figured out what YOU need (in terms of diet and exercise) to stay at your current weight. So, you figured out maintenance for your exact weight.

    I know it's strange to look at it that way but it is exactly what is going on.

    Well, I definitely and not ready to maintain. I gotta get out of this plateau!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Try eating less. It has worked for me several times when I hit plateaus.
  • NMonroe40
    NMonroe40 Posts: 2 Member
    I am very carb sensitive also and I've found that I do better when I have a cheat day or meal each week. I guess it confuses my body! And I echo the interval training! It keeps your metabolism running longer than if you just run or walk alone! I do it on the treadmill or bicycle at the gym, but you can do it anywhere, even outside! Good Luck!!!:smile:
  • JennCarvin
    JennCarvin Posts: 2 Member
    I was doing WW originally and actually began gaining weight again - even while staying within my points. Switched to just tracking everything via MFP and it's been so much better! I've still hit a plateau a few times.

    To get through a plateau, I follow the old LA Weight Loss 2 Day Take-Off plan which can be found here: http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/la-weight-loss/95630-best-way-do-2-day-take-off.html

    Replace the LAWL specific items as follows:
    -- LA Lites --> Luna Bars (NOT the Luna Protein Bars)
    -- Take-off Juice + water --> R.W. Knudsen Nutritious Morning Blend juice (I do 32oz of juice - not mixed 25oz juice + 7oz water)

    You can look for where to buy the juice here: http://www.rwknudsenfamily.com/products/simply-nutritious/morning-blend

    Hope it helps!
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    You definitely should kick up the working out. Your body gets used to the exercises and once you change it up, you will see more results. Check out Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. Its a 90 day program only 30 mins a day, add that to your walking and I Promise you will see results! The videos change ever 2 weeks so your body keeps having to work hard. Check out my photos, those are my results from this program and i loved it. I have repeated the program 3 times just upping my weights and doing the more advanced moves and I see still results. Feel free to email me if you have any questions!