Start Tomorrow Syndrome

Hi all! My name is Jennifer. Just coming back to MFP after a long absence. I'd never really been thin as an adult, but a few years ago I lost 40 pounds due to an illness. 3 short years later, I'm back to being fat. I am trying to get started, but I am stuck in "start tomorrow" mode. Just looking for some support from people who get it.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Start today. Start logging everything you eat for a few days. Just get in the practice of logging. After a few days see if you can make any changes. Treat this like a new way of eating not a diet.

    best wishes!
  • DanaJoyGant
    DanaJoyGant Posts: 2 Member
    I have this syndrome too...I will do absolutely anything BUT workout and it is something I really used to enjoy. I have started logging my calories and activity again - the motivation to workout is missing though. :( Any tips to get that aspect started back up?
  • fi_b
    fi_b Posts: 121 Member
    Baby steps! It's much too easy to feel super excited one day and as though you're going to change the world! You buy new work out gear, you get a fridge FULL or fabulous healthy food, you might even sign up to a gym.... And then a couple of weeks later the work out gear still has the tags on it, the fridge now has old, slowly rotting vegetables in the bottom, and you don't know where your gym card is.
    So instead of looking at a giant mountain, change one thing first. This week log all of your food. Next week try and make a few healthier changes to your food, some extra fruit and veg or replacing one take out meal with a home cooked, healthier meal. Once you have that covered for a week or two, then try adding some exercise to the mix. And it doesn't have to be a giant work out either! Just go for a walk for 20 minutes, then push that out to 30. Or maybe you want to try a yoga class - whatever you enjoy doing. And don't be afraid to try a few different things! You might love swimming! Or pumping iron, or a zumba class, anything to get your body moving!
    Like @queenliz99 suggested, this should not be a diet. Diets have an end date and then it's almost always back to your old habits.
    Whatever choices you make, remember it is ok to change them again if they don't work for you. You might decide that chocolate is the first thing you give up. If you find that after a day or two you're eating chocolate again anyway, that's cool! You can make an allowance for it in your macros and try skipping the packets of chips instead. It's all personal, and any change for the better is a good change.
    Have a look through some forums and request some friends, there are lots of truly lovely, supportive people on here! (feel free to add me if you like)

    Good luck! And remember that you can absolutely do this!
  • freesia16
    freesia16 Posts: 3 Member
    I know the feeling, I was going to start last week, put my weight in and nothing else, been eating all sorts of rubbish this week now I need to kick my butt and get started tommorrow, it's not worth it for to day for me so fresh start in the morning.

    Should think once you make the initial steps it will be easier.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    For me I had to stop making excuses and dig my heels and commit.

    Stop with "I can't start today because __________. I'll start tomorrow."

    Instead go with something like "I'm committing to logging everything I eat today. I may not be anywhere near my goal, but I'm going to log it anyway."
  • TonnnnUK
    TonnnnUK Posts: 132 Member
    Think all the above posts say all you need really.

    I was always putting it off. I have tended to go through these healthy spells that then get lost and reverts back to type. There was always reasons and excuses.

    Now I am in a more suitable place to make things happen. But I was still always putting it off. Or having a half arsed week of working out and then again finding excuses to stop.

    There's a fine line between getting excited about it, reading all sorts for inspiration and education and actually putting it into action. You can get information overload, or you might attempt to take too much on. And different people have different appropriate starting points.

    For me I was in "planning" mode. I figured I need to plan things out rather than the wing it method. When I found a programme I wanted to do I was still putting it off, thinking I will build up to it. But then I got the orders (from another web forum). JUST DO IT. I saw myself in the mirror, and saw what I knew for ages I needed to get rid of, so I decided to just get started with the programme and I am felling much better for it 3 weeks down the line.

    Sometimes the best method is to just go for it, NOW! But as others above said, sometimes small steps maybe best. But progress is progress, no matter how small and there's no time like the present to start.
  • joshuajdouce
    joshuajdouce Posts: 70 Member
    I'll keep it short and sweet. I just started small and worked my way up but start now. Log your food, the start making small changes diet exercise etc oh as set yourself a goal it key to have something to aim for!! Good luck
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    This is so me!! Thank you all for the excellent suggestions. I'm going to try to set weekly goals starting today with logging everything. I will get a little reward if I stay under my total calories for the week.