Good recipe under 200 calls!

antxoable Posts: 86 Member
Hello everyone! It is the first time i post a recipe but this one is one of my favourites and i think is perfect for a monday after a overeating weekend, which happend mostly every other one to me, hehe. I usually eat around 1500-2000 cals a day but sometimes i need a low cal day around 1200 to compensate high calorie days.
This recipe is tipical Spanish and we call it Pisto:
1 courgette(zuccini)
1 red pepper
1 green pepper(pointy ones better than round ones)
1/2 onion
1 peeled tomatoe(or chopped tomatoes)
1 egg
fry in one tea spoon of olive oil the peperes and onion till tender for about 5 mins, add the courgettes and tomato, cover the pan for 30 mins in slow fire, when everything is tender and soft add a beaten egg and cover, turn the fire off and eat in 5 mins.
Yummy!!! It fills me up a lot and i am not hungry 5 misn late and just 160 calls!!!a have a piece of baguette with it so 100 cals extra but still healthy nutritious and filling!
I hope you like it!
