New....How do I get started....

So, I went to the doctor yesterday. Obviously I need to lose weight. I've realized this for quite awhile, but I've just come to the realization that some of my health issues are weight related. I'm at least 100 pounds overweight. At least the is my overall weight loss goal.

I'm just looking for some tips to get started. I can't afford to join any fancy gyms. I have a sedentary job, so I'm sitting at a computer all day. I really need motivation and support.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Make a list of baby steps. Complete 1 or 2 each week, then add new ones. This does not have to be all or nothing, start slow.

    1. Set up your account here and figure out how much you should be eating. If you want to do the TDEE - 20% method, check out the Scooby calculators or or If you go MFP's route, set your account to sedentary, then track all exercise and eat back at least 50% of those calories. If you go the TDEE route, you don't need to eat back calories. You figure out how much you need to eat for your everyday life plus whatever (even if it's only a little) exercise, then subtract 20%.
    2. Log EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth. Every bite. Get a food scale. Don't worry about cutting back just yet. See where you're at, food-wise. It can be really eye opening. Gradually start to cut calories and find places where you can swap foods.
    3. If you drink soda, stop or switch to diet. (This is a really good starting step.)
    4. Move a bit more. Walk to the mailbox and back. If that's not too much, walk 10 feet past the mailbox and back tomorrow, etc.

    The best tips I have are these:
    1. You don't not have to go balls to the wall from day 1. You don't have to cut things from your diet and severely restrict and start Insanity today. Baby steps are fine.
    2. You cannot outtrain a bad diet. Focus on what and how much you put into your mouth.
    3. This is not a diet or a "program". You are making a lifestyle change. Do not do anything now that you can't see yourself doing for the rest of your life.
    4. The scale should not define your progress.

    Take before pictures, no matter how it makes you feel. I wish I had some. Take measurements. Re do this every month. Good luck! You CAN do this!