Calling All Foodies!

Bonus is you are from the state of Iowa, Double Bonus if you are an Iowa State Cyclone fan! :)

Over a year or more ago, I started this account, but as quickly as I created it, I abandoned it. Fast forward to this past September (and an additional 45 pounds later, :/ ), I committed to making a change, AGAIN! This time, I am happy to say that in just a week under two months in, I am down 30 pounds! *ROCK ON!*

I have a looooong way to go, but I am determined to succeed. I have successfully lost a considerable amount of weight before on Weight Watchers, but I think I focused to much on a goal, not a lifestyle change. It HAS TO BE A LIFESTYLE CHANGE!!!

So far, I have been logging my food for 53 days and using a FitBit Charge HR to record daily exercise. I meet with a care coordinator at my doctor's office every 2 weeks to weigh in and she reviews my daily food journal. It really has worked well for me, and the bonus being that it is a free service my clinic offers!

I would love to connect with others (such as myself) that have a borderline obsession with food. I love to try news recipes and create some of my own. I LOVE to entertain and make food for family and friends. I have been focusing on a lower carb, lower sodium, but full flavor diet, and channeling myself into some other hobbies as well. We are approaching the time of year that can become a challenge. I would LOVE to build a network of friends on here to share recipes and fitness ideas that our easy to incorporate in our busy lives.

Looking forward to getting to know you!