im not sure how many calories i burned

So because I have no gym near me ..I exercise at home so because the weather was nice I ran/walked outside BUT.. I exercised like this..I ran to my mailbox back to my steps to my trashcans back to my steps and to my outside grill back to my steps..then I walked to my mailbox back to my steps then to my trashcans back to my steps then I walked to my grill back to my steps then I ran two laps around my house then walked two laps around my house I did this for about 30 minutes


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you can figure out the distances covered the rest is easy.......walking burns .30 x weight in lbs x distance in miles (so approx 60 cal / mile for a 200lb person) and running .63 x weight x distance (that same 200lb perso would burn about
    126 cal/ mile running.