Greetings from Germany!

Hey there! So, today I registered myself here on MFP and I thought... why shouldn't I also introduce myself and make contact to others who try to live healthier too? Everything and everyone who helps me to stick to my goal - which is losing 25kg / 55lbs - is so very welcome!

Thus, let me begin with introducing my person: I'm currently 21 years old, still living in Germany with my parents. I have a quite... unmotivated and pessimistic personality, mixed with low self-esteem. This said, I may or may not have to mention that I drop my aims pretty easily because I don't see any meaning in them or because of no reason at all, just not being in the mood anymore.
In this particular case, I don't want to let this happen. I really want to lose weight and finally being able to look into the mirror without thinking how unattractive I look like. Also, I don't want to be scared anymore that if I do try to work physically, I'll collapse. I suffer from low blood pressure in general, which comes (as far as I can tell) from my unhealthy living style. At the very moment, I just don't feel like I'm alive. That should change, so I have to get my butt up and change.

To tell you about my current living style: First, I feel like I have to mention my mother is a butcher shop assistant. Thus, my whole live I have been eating lots of meat on a daily basis. Only later I noticed that this diet isn't healthy at all and I tried to change it already. I try to cook more meals without meat and I tried to give up on canned junk food. But unfortunately, that alone doesn't seem to help at all.
I also realized that I have to stop to snack sweets and snacks excessively as I do it right now. For example, at some days I eat 1 1/2 bags of potato chips a day, incidentially while drawing, gaming or whatever. Which brings me to the next point.
I am what you could call "the couch potato". I barely move at all. Most of the day, I sit at my computer and work / play there. When I go to school / work, I own a car, so I don't have to walk that much here either. So yeah, I'll also have to start exercising, if just a little.

So, once again, my goal and why I'm here: To lose 25kg / 55lbs. This will be a huge piece of work. Please, wish me the perseverance to archive my goal - not today, not tomorrow, but someday! Also, I hope I can be of inspiration / support for those who feel like me or are in a similar situation!
If you have any tips or anything else for me to say, please, go ahead! I'm infinitely grateful for everything that helps me to stick to my goal on a long term and eventually archiving it!

(This post just got... pretty comprehensive. My apologies. I'm also sorry for all the grammar or spelling errors!)