
Semi new around here. Not new to this app but new to the website portion of it. The name is Tess. Currently at 235 Goal weight is 150. I had gastric bypass in 2004 weighing 411 lbs and lost 237 lbs. My lowest weight was 169 and has slowly crept back on over this last ten years because i made a restriction but didn't change my behavior. Today I am taking control of my behavior because I don't want to be 411 lbs again. I have the support of my wonderful fiance, and now of you great folks.

Food is not your best friend. You are your best friend, and you have a choice, eat to live or live to eat.

What's it gonna be? Well I choose eat to live, of course.



  • Jarice12
    Jarice12 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Tess! Glad to see that you're taking the reigns back. You are soooo right about changing your habits. You have to; there's no way around it and you definitely have proved that. I lost in the beginning eating anything I wanted but now I understand that for longevity and for health, of course, there's some sacrifice and some a** busting required:) Kudos to you and if you need an encouraging word MFP is the place to be. I'm adding you!