
so I am currently 250 lbs and started walking for +30 mins at least four times a week. I am also trying to cut down on sugary drinks. These are my first step towards health. I hate exercising more than i hate holding myself accountable for the things i eat and that is saying A LOT. Everyone i know is in much better health than I am so it's hard to find support/workout buddies.

Anyways you know the drill many MANY failed attempts to lose weight before, looking to be a healthier* version of myself now. (one small step at a time because my knees hurt). No seriously the knee pain i had was pretty bad and when I mentioned it to a family member they said "of course they hurt, can you imagine carrying over 200lbs?!" aside from being mean/funny it was true.

Thankfully I am motivated now and for once I have realistic goals in mind. My earliest memory of being fat and ashamed is 1st grade and i'm over it! I want to hike, play basketball, wear a bathing suit, shop for regular sized clothes but most importantly i want to avoid diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol (all of which run in my family)! I'm ready to hold myself accountable.

I want to meet people like me who will take this journey with me, on the good and bad days! People who will cheer my success stories and push me to stop after 1 serving! Someone who knows what a struggle it is each and and every day.