Help! Breastfeeding and losing no weight

Any tips from other mothers out there? I am 2months post partum and down 10 lbs. My baby was 7 of those 10 lbs so I feel like I have lost nothing. I thought the weight was suppose to melt off when you breastfeed but this is not the case for me. I get sad when I see all the other moms talking about how easy it was for them to get back to their pre-pregnancy weight. I gained a total of 35 lbs and was 160 before I got pregnant. Hopeful myfitnesspal will help jump start things for me. Any tips or advice from other breastfeeding moms will be greatly appreciated :)


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Breastfeeding burns a lot of calories (300-500), assuming you are breastfeeding on demand. But, it also can make you hungry, thirsty and being exhausted with a new baby means you are often not going to be super careful about what you eat.
    If you eat as you would pre-baby, or set MFP to stay at maintenance, breastfeeding will create a reasonable deficit for your and you will lose.
    Remember to stay well hydrated and do not use breastfeeding as an "excuse" to eat things and portions you normally wouldn't. Having this second slice of cake or the extra serving of potatoes "because breastfeeding will burn it off" is so tempting, and so not true :(
    It is still early, do not panic, and do not go crazy eating 500 calories. Just be sensible, aim for your maintenance calories and be patient. It took 9 months to put on the weight, it will take about that much to lose it.
  • mariposaholly
    mariposaholly Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, this is me! I am 7 weeks postpartum, and still have 20 pounds left to lose. A lot came off initially, but nothing now despite exercise and diet. I talked to my doctor this week about it this week and she said this is so normal. She said to do strength training twice a week and set my calories at 1600-1800, with patience, it will come off. I gained 40 pounds while pregnant. I'm thinking that part of the hold up is I'm losing fat and gaining muscle- no weight loss, but changing body composition.
  • kissedbythesunshine
    Please don't feel bad. The weight will come off just continue and be patient. I had the opposite effect. Breast feeding made me drop weight like crazy. I was 242 after delivery and was 191lbs 3 months later. Then just as quick I started gaining weight like crazy. I'm still breast feeding my 2 year old yet my weight claimed back to 222 before I started mfp. The point is don't compare your journey to the next mom. Our bodies are all different. My Alivia barely eats any solid foods (yes at 25 months) and munches on me all day just it has not helped me lose one pound. Only eating at my goal and working out has helped.
  • kissedbythesunshine
    Sorry I meant 232 after delivery
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    I am not a new mom, but I have 3 children at home and I breastfed all of them. I gained A LOT of weight after my deliveries simply because of mindless eating. I was busy, stressed, breastfeeding, starving, and sleep deprived. I forgot how all those handfuls of...whatever is in reach...because I didn't have time to properly feed myself added up. So log everything and try to choose foods that will hold you longer (WHATEVER THOSE ARE). For me, it ended up being protein. :) And congrats!!
  • dszepeda
    dszepeda Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! I will remain positive and see this as a challenge that I'm looking foward to overcoming :)
  • yeslun
    yeslun Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2015
    With my first son I gained 35lbs in 2013 which I lost one month postpartum just breasfeeding... Second son oct 2015 also breastfeeding gained 30 lbs During pregnancy I have only lost 10 during delivery... I eat way less recently started one hour of cardio I have not lost any more pounds... Hopefully excercise helps and I loose them soon
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Well, babies differ in their appetites. With my son, he had a huge appetite and I lost back to pre-marriage weight.
    With my daughter, just two years later...she was a picky eater ...even on breast milk..and would only nurse one side at a time.