Being poor/ food insecurity



  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited November 2015
    Ive been in such a situation myself.

    When you do get to shop, stock up on things like dried beans, rice, lentils, barley. Those are very inexpensive foods and very healthy. Frozen vegetables also are nutritious and give the most bang for the buck in winter months. I used to always try to keep a big bag of broccoli cuts, california blend and mixed vegetables on hand.

    Also look for roadside farm stands or farmer's markets. You can usually get great produce for cheap. Especially if you buy in bulk and have room to freeze or tie to can a lot to stock up for the winter.

    I used to keep the above on hand along with some frozen chicken breast tenders. A 3 pound bag could last me easily for a month and costs only about $7. Also eggs. While the prices seem to be high these days compared to what we have been used to $3 for 12 eggs is only 40 cents per egg.

    With some spices and seasonings, soup stock and a little imagination you can eat fairly well for $10/week or less.

    Also consider wild harvesting. This website has a lot of really good information on foraging as well as recipes and you can supplement your diet with fresh wild greens for much of the year.