Getting it back!

I usually get up in the spring but I have had a rough year with personal issues and I have put on more weight than usual. I have jumped into a 14 day diet exercise slot and have been getting immediate awesome results. I have been using Mfp along with Tracy Anderson Mat every day for 4 days, then today I was feeling tight and sore so I did Karen Voight Yoga sculpt. It is a shorter video so I added a Ta metamorphosis segment and did some additional stair master. My muscle tone is really improveing. I know the weight is going to take longer to come off just because weight is stubborn like that. Usually 90 days resolves any major issues. I wanted to note that w hen you see immediate results it's a good motivator to keep working. So set realistic goals. A 7 or 14 day commitment is easier to achieve and stick with than a 30 day or 90 day commitment. Start slow and be patient. It does work, it's just not an overnight solution.

Good luck!