Low fat high protein recipes

tempPhone Posts: 10 Member
Does any have any flavorful low fat high protein recipes they would like to share


  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I am sure pinterest.com could help... I use it for low carb high fat recipes :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I cook with very lean turkey, no oil, tons of vegetables. If you go back in my diary about a month you'll see lots of dinners with low fat and high protein. Honestly, I don't recommend very low fat. You should get at least .3-.35g per pound of body mass.
  • steuartcj
    steuartcj Posts: 132 Member
    Powdered protein mixed in some water.25-30 grams of protein, low in fat and carbs.all for about 140-155 calories. Many great flavors, some not so great. Skinless chicken breasts, brined, marinated, roasted or grilled. Wal Mart has family packs at great prices. We grill up 20-30 lbs at a time, then vac seal and freeze. Handy, healthy, taste great. They are juicy and taste like just made.