Hello Everyone!

Hi, my name is Olivia. I have been on here before, but didn't really do anything. I have a ton of weight that I want to lose and am hoping to make some friends that will help me with my goal! My biggest issue is....exercise!! duh duh duh.....it is soo much easier to chill on the couch than to get up and even walk! So, if anyone has the same issues or is an excellent motivator, hit me up! I'd love to meet you!


  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Bring on the "you don't have to exercise" comments.

    I like the feel that I get with exercise (it takes a couple of weeks to get the positive feeling). The added calorie room that exercise gives me makes it not a diet. It was a game changer when I found out how far I had to run to burn off a thousand calories. I haven't eaten a big mac and fries since. I would do some walking or exercises that you can do inside to start. Its a long road but the journey is worth it. Start slow and make permanent lifestyle changes to reach and maintain your goals. Good Luck!
  • DrinkMixer35
    DrinkMixer35 Posts: 19 Member
    I hear you Olivia...I am in a similar boat. Exercise is tough to do with my schedule (I work UPS by day and bartend by night). Usually, my free time I'd much rather be crashing on the couch than hit the gym or do some kind of exercise. But with the helpful motivation I have found from these forums, I was able to push to at least start exercising when I have an hour of free time. Good luck, you're gonna do great!
  • Olivemcgee08
    Olivemcgee08 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for the encouraging words!!