Getting Back on Track

Hello, I am just looking for some advice on how to get back on the wagon. 2 years ago my husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This set off lifestyle changes for both of us. I began an exercise program, and was using mfp religiously. I was doing hot yoga classes 4x per week and cardio at home 2x a week. I was eating whole foods, and I was losing weight. After a few months I plateaued. I couldn't get under 200lbs. Then I tried the 21 day fix program through Beachbody and I finally dropped a few lbs, but I really didn't like the workouts and found myself dreading them. Also when I started this program I began to have food cravings that I did not have before. I had been able to resists sweets and chocolate with no problem before, and suddenly I was sabotaging my efforts.

Needless to say, I pretty much stopped everything. I couldn't get motivated to go to yoga like I used to etc. I began to gain back the weight that I worked so hard to lose. So now I am trying to get back on track, but I am really struggling....HELP!!!!