Does running make your legs bulkier?



  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    Do you have any ideas why it's getting bulkier? When I googled it, it said its water weight n I would lose it if I keep running. Some say it's because I'm running like a sprinter (high speed, low distance).

    are you very thin to begin with?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I started running a few weeks ago n noticed that my legs are getting bulkier. Ive lost 4 pounds. But I don't want my legs to appear thick.
    Is running really make my legs bulkier ?

    I'm an avid runner, and my legs are naturally bulky but that's heredity. If anything, running has slimmed them down.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    Should I keep running while waiting or only start running again after losing all those water.

    Keep your routine! Your body knows what to do with excess water. Keep drinking your water and eating, the excess water will come out on its own.

    I think Im retaining 2lbs of excess water today because of some soreness inducing exercise. It happens :)
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Running has slimmed mine down significantly, and it didn't take long for that to happen. I've only been running about 3 months.

    As noted above, adding muscle bulk is pretty hard to do and only happens under very specific circumstances. I don't think from the sounds of your post that you're doing what's required to accomplish muscle gains.

    As had also been noted, you're experiencing normal fluid retention everyone who undertakes new exercise experiences. Drink plenty of fluid and keep with your program. Things will even out as your body adjusts.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Yes, yes it does.

    It also makes you dance like Drake


    On a serious note the most likely explanation is fluid retention as everyone has said. Also if you are simply going by your visual perception that can be deceiving for a number of reasons.

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    On a serious note the most likely explanation is fluid retention as everyone has said. Also if you are simply going by your visual perception that can be deceiving for a number of reasons.

    ...body dysmorphia being one of them. Just sayin'.