Vegan 80/10/10

Hi is there anyone on here who follows 80/10/10 veganism that can give me tips on how to hit my macros cause I'm finding that the fats are slightly high and my carbs and protein and low even on the days when my fats are low... Any tips??


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Go here.
    It is o.k. that fats are high.
    In order to eat more protein you need collards, kale, romaine, spinach, almonds, macadamia, bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, hemp seeds, chia seeds, avocado, broccoli, brussel sprouts,
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    edited November 2015
    I don't follow the 801010 nor am I vegan. I do however eat a plant-based diet that's low in fat and therefore my macros come close to that. If you focus on eating a variety of whole plant foods, the macros will take care of themselves. All I do is eat stuff like potatoes, rice, flat bread, quinoa, polenta, lots of beans and lentils for protein, lots of fruits and veggies and a few nuts and seeds.

    I avoid adding oils when cooking since they don't add any nutrients, so the only fats I get are from nuts and seeds so fats end up at just under 10%. As for protein, I eat a lot of black beans and lentils. My diet is 1700-2000 cals so if I were to stick to 10%, that would only be about 45g of protein (so imagine those on a 1200 cal diet would get 120cal protein or 30g which is too low). It's recommended to get about 1g/kg of protein. Since I'm about 56kg and reasonably active, I like to get at least 60g which brings my protein to 15%. If I was on a reduced calorie diet of say 1200, I'd still need 60g so my protein would have to be 20%. So blindly following a macro setting is not smart. You have to tailor it to your needs.

    Another thing is that from day to day, you'll have more of one thing than another. I might not eat nuts and seeds every day, so one day I might eat a bag of nuts and end the day at 40% fats. It doesn't matter because I might not eat nuts for another 2 days and by the end of the week, it all averages out. So I say don't sweat daily fluctuations.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Get off the diet. Max carbs at 50 percent.