looking at losing weight to be healthier

hi im new heer to my fitness pal. i am aboutim like 90 pounds over weight ahhhh!!! i gained alot of weight 2 yeaars ago after i lost my mother.anyways my hubby said something that hit home to me today as we were driving back form seeing niagra falls which was wonderful! he says ya know i dont want you to pass away on me because of your extra weight dont leave alone to live my life being sad and lonely with out you. wow!!!!!!!!! that was something he does not exspress his feeling that great usaully. and it really hit me how unhealthy this weight is for me and i also drink so not good either. so im joing here and gonna do my best. to work on a healthier lifestyle. hope i can give and get support from others . thankyou tammy



  • Giovanna_Isabella_Santarelli
    Hi :smile:
    You have all the motivation you need after what your hubby said to you...

    Good luck! You can add me if you like...