weight loss after pregnancy

007lt Posts: 56 Member
edited November 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
how long did it take you to lose pregnancy weight especially the tummy area and how much did you gain.. also how old are you I'm 21 and trying to lose 2 stone ...slowly. need some support that I'm not alone although I have been eating well cut out sugars and carbs and only drink water and the occasional juice also working out, I can see some difference in my body but then when I look at my belly I feel like sh#t. and oh I'm 6 weeks PP and before anyone jumps down my throat I am feeling well my body has recovered and I feel well enough to exercise and all that :) pictures would be appreciated mummies x


  • 007lt
    007lt Posts: 56 Member
    Oh and I'm not breastfeeding I'm eating enough to keep my energy up and take care.of the kids yup I have two to keep me on my feet! x)
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    I'm losing after baby number 4. I gained 60 lbs with no1, 55 with no2, 35 with no3, and 55 with no4. I lost all my weight with each of them, usually took between 9 mo-1 year with mostly going back to my regular habits and not really dieting. With number 3, I lost all but 4 lbs after about 6 months, then that came off almost instantly when I weaned him at 14 mo. I'm 35 weeks pp now and have 18 lbs left.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Oops, I meant 13 weeks pp now!
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    6 weeks pp?? Definitely had a belly over here! Still do, though it has shrunk. It will go down, though! You may still have some loose skin even back at pre preggo weight--I did after no3. Be sure and check if your abs have separated --if they have, research what exercises you need to close the gap.
  • Tldavis3s
    Tldavis3s Posts: 83 Member
    I am about to hit 18 months PP and due to breastfeeding I'm still not back to my old self yet :'(
  • Yogamat316
    Yogamat316 Posts: 19 Member
    Gained 60lbs with both babies. Never quite lost all the weight from baby number one (still had about 15lbs to pre-preg weight, 25lbs to goal weight) before getting pregnant with baby number two. At exactly nine months pp, I'm under my pre-pregnancy weight with baby number two and I'm about 13lbs from my pre-pre baby weight, aka my Goal Weight. :) Mine has been CICO entirely. I still eat desserts and drink my wine. I consume less than I burn and I took up running a few months ago.
  • ydyms
    ydyms Posts: 266 Member
    Don't beat yourself up at 6 weeks post partum! It took me 4 months to look half decent, after my 4th csection. But it WILL happen! :)
  • rebecca614
    rebecca614 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 8 week pp after baby number 2 and my second c-section. I go back to work in 4 weeks and don't fit in my pants at all! I'm trying to stick as close to 1200 calories a day as I can. I'm working out when I can, but it's not as often or intense as it should be. I know it takes time, but I have to go back to work without buying new clothes! Any suggestions would be welcome!
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    rebecca614 wrote: »
    I'm 8 week pp after baby number 2 and my second c-section. I go back to work in 4 weeks and don't fit in my pants at all! I'm trying to stick as close to 1200 calories a day as I can. I'm working out when I can, but it's not as often or intense as it should be. I know it takes time, but I have to go back to work without buying new clothes! Any suggestions would be welcome!

    Are you nursing? If so, 1200 cals would be way below what you'd need to maintain supply. I'm losing 1.5-2lbs/week on 1800, eating back most of my exercise calories.

    Anyway, it really does just take time. Pushing yourself too hard too fast can hurt--your hips probably haven't fully returned to normal (part of the pants not fitting), the ligaments in your pelvis might not have tightened the gap there (mine haven't yet, 3 mo pp), and your abs are weak. So I know how frustrating this is to hurry up and wait when you want the weight to drop off immediately, but it took 9 mo to put it on....
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I'm 18 months pp and am 5 lbs from my pre preg weight. I do have bit of a belly but it is going away slowly with a clean diet and exercise.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    rebecca614 wrote: »
    I'm 8 week pp after baby number 2 and my second c-section. I go back to work in 4 weeks and don't fit in my pants at all! I'm trying to stick as close to 1200 calories a day as I can. I'm working out when I can, but it's not as often or intense as it should be. I know it takes time, but I have to go back to work without buying new clothes! Any suggestions would be welcome!

    Wear your maternity clothes for a little longer, pushing yourself too hard at 8 weeks pp is not going to produce the results you want. It takes time and patience.

  • jordy366
    jordy366 Posts: 8 Member
    I gained 70 pounds with my baby. At 6 weeks PP I thought I was always going to be fat and flabby. It's not the case though! At 9 months PP I have ten pounds to go before prebaby weight. It's a slow slow process but have no fear things go back to normal
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I gained 30lbs with my first 2 and 45lbs with my 3rd child. I lost the 30lbs with my first 2 by 6 months pp. Took me a year with my last child. Now I'm below my pre-pregnancy weight (youngest just turned 3). :) My stomach will never be flat or mark free, but I attribute that to having 3 babies under 3 years and I am perfectly ok with that.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    I gained 55 w no1, 60 w no 2, 35 w no 3, and 55 w no 4. I've lost it all, each time, by about a year. I usually have a stubborn 3-5 lbs that hang around until I wean them.

    Baby 4 is 3 mo today and I have lost 40 of the 55lbs I gained. 15 to go! I still haven't attempted to put on any pre pregnancy clothes--stretchy maxi skirts and dresses and some tshirt a from Target are working well to bridge the gap bt maternity and regular clothes.
  • angella_jacobs93
    angella_jacobs93 Posts: 54 Member
    When I became pregnant with my son I was already overweight (155 lbs) I gained 60 lbs which put me to 215 lbs! Being only 5'1 I was getting wider than I was tall! My son was born January 5th and I made in back to my pre-pregnancy weight in July 25!! (six months!) Breastfeeding really helped me. Six months- 1 year I feel is a good time frame for getting back to your pre-pregnancy weight. I am happy to say I am down to 141 lbs but my stomach is really really bad still. I have a ton of stretch marks and a lot of loose skin when I get to maintenance I plan on looking into a tummy tuck to reward myself for what will be a 95 lb weight loss.
  • jendayih
    jendayih Posts: 8 Member
    Your belly will go down, don't worry! It may take a while, but it will happen. I was 21 when I had my first baby, now due with my second in Jan! I was already a little overweight before having my first son. I'm about 5"1 and weighed around 150 I think. I didn't look big though, but the weight collected most around my tummy, hips, and butt. I gained a ton of weight with my first and was over 200lbs! After having him 6 months pp (weighing around 160 lbs, I think nursing really contributed to the weight-loss at that moment) I seriously started exercising 5x a week and went on a calorie deficit. I did mostly cardio for about two months, then hit a plateau. After some researching, I began adding weight lifting regularly to my cardio. I got down to about 145. I wanted to be 130 at least, but the numbers on the scale didn't move. I started taking my measurements and that's when I saw I was definitely making progress! The inches had come off and I looked slimmer and my muscles were tighter. It takes time, but make a realistic plan and stick with it!
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    I'm 4 months pp with baby #3. Also my 3rd csection.

    I've just started a group called Little Women.

    Feel free to join us over there!

  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    It takes 9 months to stretch your belly, and in my experience, 9 months for it to shrink as much as its going to.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I gained about 70lbs with my daughter. The first 40 came off within a few months, but the leftover 30 took much longer. I was a little under my pre-pregnancy weight by her first birthday.

    She was a newborn here

    One year later

  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Gained 60 pounds with both my pregnancies. I'm still 15 pounds away from what I weighed before I had my first child but I'm 10 pounds lighter than what I was before I had my second child. I was 23 with my first child and 29 with my second.