pushing myself too hard..

I've been going to the gym 3x a week and have been eating around 1500 calories a day..ive been eating healthy, and I still feel like I'm doing this and I'm never going to see results. I realize I just started last week, but im discouraged for some reason. I feel like I'm doing this all wrong :/ I need some inspiration!!


  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    I've been going to the gym 3x a week and have been eating around 1500 calories a day..ive been eating healthy, and I still feel like I'm doing this and I'm never going to see results. I realize I just started last week, but im discouraged for some reason. I feel like I'm doing this all wrong :/ I need some inspiration!!

    doing this for no reason I meant to say***
  • foxchick27
    foxchick27 Posts: 4 Member
    You got this!! Keep at it! Weight won't come off right away. Keep pushing yourself and within time you will see results. Remember to take photos every two weeks. It will help. Good luck.
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    thanks for the advice and support! I guess im just frustrated because im working harder than I ever have, and not noticing a difference..I guess it's normal to feel this way? I have no idea lol
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    Just keep logging and doing "the program". Take measurements now. Sometimes the scale doesn't move but the fat does. If you haven't lost anything in another week cut your calories by a little and see how that goes. You'll lose weight if you eat less than you burn.
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    fiddletime wrote: »
    Just keep logging and doing "the program". Take measurements now. Sometimes the scale doesn't move but the fat does. If you haven't lost anything in another week cut your calories by a little and see how that goes. You'll lose weight if you eat less than you burn.

    I'm trying lol ive lost 2.6lbs since last monday..thats what I need to do is take measurements, I keep forgetting! im not looking at the scale until next week..plus im only drinking water, I cut out my iced tea and soda :) plus an hr of cardio and weights included..Im just praying I can do this! thanks for the advice
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Take measurements and lots of photos so that you have have some before and after metrics.
  • joshuakcaron
    joshuakcaron Posts: 343 Member
    I've been going to the gym 3x a week and have been eating around 1500 calories a day..ive been eating healthy, and I still feel like I'm doing this and I'm never going to see results. I realize I just started last week, but im discouraged for some reason. I feel like I'm doing this all wrong :/ I need some inspiration!!

    You got this! Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. You won't see results over night. When I started I went to the gym 17 days in a row and felt so guilty and ashamed when I decided 18 days was too much.

    If you actually aren't seeing results there's a few things you probably should look into. Are you logging accurately? I use a scale I bought from Walmart (20$) to measure all the food that goes into my body. It's a little extra work but I really started noticing a difference when I started to use it. Making sure you use accurate user inputs are important as well. If you are eating back you exercise calories (based off what the gym machines say) eat 50-75%. Those machines aren't accurate (a lot of factors go into calories being burnt.)

    Some people get frustrated also with fluctuations but a lot can cause your body to retain more water week to week (menstruation can make you retain water) - it's water weight that'll come off easily.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Do you enjoy your workouts? If not, try different things until you find something you enjoy and does not feel like a chore. It is pretty much pointless in the big picture to exercise for X weeks or months, which is what will happen if you hate what you are doing. Find something that you will be actually looking forward to, and that you can stick with. Try different things at the gym, classes, yoga, pilates, dancing, weights, running, swimming, a sport or just walking. Maybe something with friends?
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,398 Member
    Nothing happens overnight. I think a big part of making things work in the weight loss aspect is finding things you actually enjoy doing. If you don't like the gym, go for a walk. If you don't like to walk, ride a bike, hike, swim, or dance.

    And if you really don't want to do any of the above, eat right and avoid exercise. If done right, you don't need much exercise to lose weight. There are many ways to see the calorie deficit.
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Take measurements and lots of photos so that you have have some before and after metrics.

    I was planning on doing that today, completely forgot, thanks for reminding me :) I took before photos, im going to take some more next week :)
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    I've been going to the gym 3x a week and have been eating around 1500 calories a day..ive been eating healthy, and I still feel like I'm doing this and I'm never going to see results. I realize I just started last week, but im discouraged for some reason. I feel like I'm doing this all wrong :/ I need some inspiration!!

    You got this! Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. You won't see results over night. When I started I went to the gym 17 days in a row and felt so guilty and ashamed when I decided 18 days was too much.

    If you actually aren't seeing results there's a few things you probably should look into. Are you logging accurately? I use a scale I bought from Walmart (20$) to measure all the food that goes into my body. It's a little extra work but I really started noticing a difference when I started to use it. Making sure you use accurate user inputs are important as well. If you are eating back you exercise calories (based off what the gym machines say) eat 50-75%. Those machines aren't accurate (a lot of factors go into calories being burnt.)

    Some people get frustrated also with fluctuations but a lot can cause your body to retain more water week to week (menstruation can make you retain water) - it's water weight that'll come off easily.

    I know it's going to take some time, its just bothering me that im not seeing big results right away..I mean two pounds is alot but I cant see the difference, I think thats what is getting to me. I have a nice scale, that seems to be accurate, and I love working out, it makes me feel so good about myself because I know im making a difference in my life. I walk, but not as much as I would like..Ive tried this whole exercising thing numerous times, and I always give up. I cant give up, and I wont let myself! I usually dont eat the calories I burned while exercising,I think its a little pointless lol thanks so much for all of your advice and support! I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post :)
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    Do you enjoy your workouts? If not, try different things until you find something you enjoy and does not feel like a chore. It is pretty much pointless in the big picture to exercise for X weeks or months, which is what will happen if you hate what you are doing. Find something that you will be actually looking forward to, and that you can stick with. Try different things at the gym, classes, yoga, pilates, dancing, weights, running, swimming, a sport or just walking. Maybe something with friends?

    I love working out, especially when I tell myself I'm only going to do 30 mins of cardio and then before I know it, ive done an hour :) it makes me feel great when I go to the gym, I feel so confident in myself after I'm done :) the thing is I dont have any friends where I live now..my friends are my son and my husband lol I walk with my son sometimes, I just lose motivation easily. I know if I keep pushing myself to go to the gym, ill do it. thanks for your advice!
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member

    I've been going to the gym 3x a week and have been eating around 1500 calories a day..ive been eating healthy, and I still feel like I'm doing this and I'm never going to see results. I realize I just started last week, but im discouraged for some reason. I feel like I'm doing this all wrong :/ I need some inspiration!!

    You got this! Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. You won't see results over night. When I started I went to the gym 17 days in a row and felt so guilty and ashamed when I decided 18 days was too much.

    If you actually aren't seeing results there's a few things you probably should look into. Are you logging accurately? I use a scale I bought from Walmart (20$) to measure all the food that goes into my body. It's a little extra work but I really started noticing a difference when I started to use it. Making sure you use accurate user inputs are important as well. If you are eating back you exercise calories (based off what the gym machines say) eat 50-75%. Those machines aren't accurate (a lot of factors go into calories being burnt.)

    Some people get frustrated also with fluctuations but a lot can cause your body to retain more water week to week (menstruation can make you retain water) - it's water weight that'll come off easily.

    By the way 18 days straight is crazy..if that were me, I wouldnt be able to walk lol I wanted to go everyday, but thats how people get hurt, so im sticking to every other or even every two days. When I first started my journey, I overworked myself and did like 50 squats with some weights off of my 30 day shred dvd and literally killed myself. I could barely walk, and im on my feet all day at work lol I barely got through it, but I still kept going to the gym and in a few days I felt great :)
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    Keep logging in here, keep reading. Reading everyone's struggles day in and day out reminds me that this whole process takes so much time and patience. I promise in the end you'll be much more successful not losing weight too quickly. Let it be slow, you'll be more likely to keep it off!!
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    robertw486 wrote: »
    Nothing happens overnight. I think a big part of making things work in the weight loss aspect is finding things you actually enjoy doing. If you don't like the gym, go for a walk. If you don't like to walk, ride a bike, hike, swim, or dance.

    And if you really don't want to do any of the above, eat right and avoid exercise. If done right, you don't need much exercise to lose weight. There are many ways to see the calorie deficit.

    I guess I have to realize that it doesn't happen overnight, and everyone is different. I love going to the gym, that isnt my problem at all. I have found what I enjoy, I just have to keep pushing my way through it. I know if I dont exercise, ill lose motivation like I always do. I have anxiety and depression, and its easy for me to just stop because I easily get stressed out and depressed. I've been off of my medicine, and so far so good..so im hoping I can keep up with my journey!
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    brb2008 wrote: »
    Keep logging in here, keep reading. Reading everyone's struggles day in and day out reminds me that this whole process takes so much time and patience. I promise in the end you'll be much more successful not losing weight too quickly. Let it be slow, you'll be more likely to keep it off!!

    I do that everyday, it gives me the inspiration I need to keep going..especially the pictures! Ive heard that, but I gained ten pounds in a month from the medicine I was on, and I want it off! I never liked my body to begin with, but the ten pounds just adds icing on the cake lol