Trying to lose 10 pounds

It seems so hard for me to lose weight. I work with a personal trainer and i gained weight! I understand that its muscle but i'd like to lose some fat.

Right now i am 5'5" and 135 pounds. I am looking to get down to 115-120.
I work with a personal trainer twice a week and go to the gym by myself 2-3 times a week.
What cardio do you guys recommend? I am not a runner, at all lol.

Also some suggestions on meals?

Any help is appreciated! Thanks so much.


  • amyb12015
    amyb12015 Posts: 25 Member
    If u still go to the gym
    Just try using the treadmill, cycle bike, elliptical And so on
    Cardio helps in losing fat so doing anything that makes u sweat is good
    Like Zumba, g
  • amyb12015
    amyb12015 Posts: 25 Member
    Try working out 2-3 times a wesk

  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    You mention all your working out, but you don't go into diet. You NEED to be at a calorie deficient to lose weight. Are you following a certian calorie range? Honestly, it doesn't matter what you eat, it's how much.
  • soapsandropes
    soapsandropes Posts: 269 Member
    With only 10 lbs to lose getting your diet on point is going to be key. It is very easy to overeat your exercise efforts.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    It's definitely going to come down to diet. Unless your really lifting significantly and eating at a caloric surplus, you probably haven't really gained muscle. Lift. Do cardio you like. Lock in your diet and go from there.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    At your height and weight (same as me, BTW) weight loss is going to be hard and slow. As others have said you must be meticulous about logging everything you eat and being certain you're eating at a deficit. Also, ask your trainer to add weightlifting to your regimen, if you're not doing that already. Weights, in adddition to cardio, will strengthen your muscles and give you a sleeker appearance, regardless of scale weight.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    There's a LOT of misinformation that gets spread around by gym trainers. Honestly, in all my time working out at gyms, I've heard ALL the myths and all the bro-science in its many varieties.

    Losing weight comes down to calories in vs. calories out. You need to eat at a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    The working out is up to you. Do whatever's good for your health and makes you happy. But there's no magic type of exercise that will make you lose weight.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Also, for what it's worth, you're right in the middle of a healthy BMI range for your height already. Getting down to 115 would put you at a low healthy BMI that's pretty close to underweight. Be realistic about your goals and don't target ones that are unhealthy for you. The scale isn't the point; get yourself healthy and happy.
  • Optimistical1
    Optimistical1 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm not a runner either. Although I am uncoordinated with two left feet, I love Zumba group fitness and Beachbody Cize. I enjoy them so much that I don't consider them workouts, just what I do for fun and stress relief on my rest days.