ACL Injuries and Long-Distance Running

I had ACL reconstruction surgery over a decade ago, but my knee is still prone to injury when I run or do plyometrics. Does anyone have tips for preventing injury when training for long distances (9+ miles)? I normally strength train 5 days a week, but injured my knee last week during squat jumps (I'm guessing this was due to improper form and possible overuse). I hate having to rest and ice my knee and lose valuable training days. I've heard that slowly increasing mileage (10%) each week can help... I'm bad about that sometimes...


  • ugh ... sorry to hear that. I have no advice for you. I'm 14 weeks post-ACL surgery and joined this site to - get back into shape and find other people struggling with ACL issues.

  • chard_muncher
    chard_muncher Posts: 75 Member
    Buy a bike.