Couple of months into maintenance- update

So I reached my goal weight on Labor Day. Now I'm a couple of months into maintenance and so far, so good. I stopped logging my food a couple of weeks ago.

I'm doing, and will continue to do, 3 things every day to maintain my goal weight:

1. Weigh myself every day, record weight on Mondays. If weight starts to creep up, go back to logging food as needed.

2. Eat in a reasonable manner- trying to balance nutrition, practice portion control and enjoy food.

3. Get 10000 steps a day, 5000 on Sundays lol.

So that's the plan! I've really tried to distill it down to 3 attainable daily goals but all 3 are vital to long term maintenance as I know from trying and failing before.

So how is everybody else doing with your maintenance plans these days? Anything to share?


  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Awesome! I reached maintenance around the same time as you, and I'm using a similar plan to try to maintain. So far it's been going okay. Definitely some ups and downs -- the holidays were tough -- but I feel like I'm settling into it better now.