goals for next week?



  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    whats aikido?
    LuvtoBeme1 beat me to the reply.

    Aikido is a Japanese martial art that tries to focus on softness, blending of movement, and redirecting physical attacks. Techniques typically end in throws or joint locks. It is considered to be one of, if not the last of, the traditional martial arts of Japan. It is mostly a paired partner practice without solo kata (weapons being an exception in some branches).

    The cardio comes into play when on the receiving end of the techniques. Lots of picking oneself up off the ground... lots...

    yeah no thanks lol im not even going to try and attempt that..I did the 30 day shred and got hurt haha im fine with sticking to my calorie deficit and the gym :) aikido sounds fun, but id probably kill myself, im too fat for that kind of exercise lol