5'7" Female 26yrs old...started at 386 in January

mizzpunkette Posts: 8 Member
edited November 2015 in Getting Started
Last year September my best friend since junior high had pick out all the bridesmaids dresses. I was the only one who couldn't fit. I ordered the biggest size and told her I would fit into it by her wedding day in May.

I joined a gym this January and pushed myself into an injury in February. I did way to much weight on a leg curl and and to have cruches for a couple weeks. Kept going to the gym. Just paced myself way better.

May came and I moved to Florida. I was living out of my car to make sure I had the money to fly back to indiana for my best friends wedding. I fit into the dress. I lost the few inches in my chest that I needed and was at 370.

Found an apartment close to school but and hour plus from work. I had a desk job at 10 hours a day and the construction projects on 1-4 were turning my 3 hour commute each day to 5,6,7 hours in my car.

Needless to say it wrecked my body. I got depressed and stopped eating. I started having painful muscle spasms throughout my whole body. Ended up in physical therapy for 6 weeks. And I found myself a new job.

My commute is now just over 30 minutes and I'm in a smaller office that doesn't require me to be glued to a phone last month.

This week I started back at the gym and exercise at home. I have managed to loose 6 lbs in 6 days. I've got a goal of 200 lbs.
My goal is to get there before my 29th birthday.
Would like some buddies to share some tips and check in with to help me stay on track and not let one bad day or week derail my ultimate goal.


  • lovematthewchristopher
    Hello mizzpunkette, sorry to hear about all your downfalls. Now you need to head straight up,up,up. Confidence, thats what it takes. You know what you want, now go for it.!!!! I started on MFP last November 2014 and i was at my highest weight of 289 pounds, i was determined, to lose the weight and get into shape. I have lost 82 pounds and am in the best shape of my life. All of it from determination to get out of this BAD FUNK that i have been in for years. You can do this, and if you want , just add my name and i will motivate you in any way that i can. I still have more weight that i want to lose too, we can move on this journey together. Good luck!!!
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    please understand this is a long term goal, it is an investment into you. if one thing that i can tell u from all the years i would lose and gain (albeit not as much as you) i walked away with one thing finally. that this is a lifelong commitment. it doesn't stop. I wish you the best