386 lbs start....goal 200

Last year September my best friend since junior high had pick out all the bridesmaids dresses. I was the only one who couldn't fit. I ordered the biggest size and told her I would fit into it by her wedding day in May.

I joined a gym this January and pushed myself into an injury in February. I did way to much weight on a leg curl and and to have cruches for a couple weeks. Kept going to the gym. Just paced myself way better.

May came and I moved to Florida. I was living out of my car to make sure I had the money to fly back to indiana for my best friends wedding. I fit into the dress. I lost the few inches in my chest that I needed and was at 370.

Found an apartment close to school but and hour plus from work. I had a desk job at 10 hours a day and the construction projects on 1-4 were turning my 3 hour commute each day to 5,6,7 hours in my car.

Needless to say it wrecked my body. I got depressed and stopped eating. I started having painful muscle spasms throughout my whole body. Ended up in physical therapy for 6 weeks. And I found myself a new job.

My commute is now just over 30 minutes and I'm in a smaller office that doesn't require me to be glued to a phone last month.

This week I started back at the gym and exercise at home. I have managed to loose 6 lbs in 6 days. I've got a goal of 200 lbs.
My goal is to get there before my 29th birthday.
Female, 5'7". 386 starting weight. 26 years olda
Would like some buddies to share some tips and check in with to help me stay on track and not let one bad day or week derail my ultimate goal


  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member
    You've got this! I started out at 348 in February 0f 2014 and am at 159 today. It can be done!
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    You can do it! Weigh and log your food and move as much as you can. Little things like marching in place while the kettle boils. I started out around 315 and am down 112 lbs now.

    For me, moderation is key. I haven't given up any food, and just use my calories as a budget. I also have a fitbit, which is a great tool, even if for motivation alone. At the end of the day, do what works for you as this will be a long term thing and it needs to be sustainable.

    You can do this.. Myself and others are proof it can be done. :)

  • Working2BLean
    Working2BLean Posts: 386 Member
    focus on upping your protein and fiber
    eat meals made at home as much as possible

    So true

    Eating veggies is a good strategy

    Patience is your friend. Do your best and accept the results. Sometimes goals that are are realistic hurt more than help
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Take pictures and measurements so that you can see yourself progressing in ways beyond the scale.
  • ecneal4
    ecneal4 Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it!!!! Just look at it as a calorie "budget". You are in it for the long haul so don't over restrict or you will fail. I have lost 56 lbs and last night I ate a brownie sundae with Creme brûlée ice cream- I just planned. I look at restaurants before I go and if I know I have an event I want to eat at I just plan. Logging is super important- even if it's a maintenance day! Best of luck to you!!!!!
  • ICameToGetDown
    ICameToGetDown Posts: 958 Member
    It can be done! I recommend small goals, like to be down x lbs by Christmas.
    Any extra movement you can do will help. Marching in place doesn't cost anything and can be done anywhere. I am very out of shape and have been walking 30 minutes each morning m-f. I've also been taking the steps more often.
    My SW was 274 on Oct 12 and I'm down 9 lbs as of 11/10. It's a marathon, not a sprint :-)