
Anyone use the fitbit that helps them maintain there weight. I was thinking about getting one.


  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    I have one. It was a gift. I find it interesting in that I wanted to know how many steps I average in my day-to-day routine. I can't say it made me more active, or guilted me into getting off my *kitten*. Might have been beneficial when I was losing. At maintenance it doesn't seem to help much.
    I do enjoy when it vibrates and tells me I made it though, and it looks cool so there is that...
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    I just got one last week (Charge HR). It was a reward for doing so well at my last doctor's appointment. I'm not quite at maintenance yet (still have about 12 pounds to go), but it sure has motivated me to do even more than I was doing. Just hit my first 20,000 steps in a day!
  • ewrook
    ewrook Posts: 90 Member
    I have a fitbit charge. I like the feedback it gives about my activity level. I thought I was really active on weekends, but it turned out I was actually less active. I walk a lot more at work going back and forth between meetings. On weekends, I don't do much other than deliberate exercise. I've definitely increased my general level of activity since having it. And I do take walks after dinner on low activity days now because I know I haven't done as much.
  • x_blackrainbow
    x_blackrainbow Posts: 439 Member
    I love my Fitbit. When I first got it, I was determined to hit all the goals that were set and win challenges. Then a stress fracture in my foot happened, and now my pitiful daily steps remind me of all the hiking I'm not allowed to do right now and all the extra food I'm not getting to eat anymore. :\