Pregnancy food plan

Hey all,
I'm an avid myfitnesspal user. I am 3 months pregnant, and have NOT been eating well at all. I am overweight, and even though I realize it's not healthy to lose weight during pregnancy, I am wanting to gain as little as possible. Does anyone have a meal plan they found helpful and/or suggestions for meals?


  • meltoine
    meltoine Posts: 46 Member
    Look into the Brewer Pregnancy Diet. It will give you an idea of the nutrients you need and how to get them from whole foods.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    I would set fitness pal to maintenance while pregnant. Some people say you should set it to gain but pregnancy will cause you to gain at just the maintenance level. Be sure to eat your greens and food full of Iron and folic acid.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    emshiggins wrote: »
    Hey all,
    I'm an avid myfitnesspal user. I am 3 months pregnant, and have NOT been eating well at all. I am overweight, and even though I realize it's not healthy to lose weight during pregnancy, I am wanting to gain as little as possible. Does anyone have a meal plan they found helpful and/or suggestions for meals?

    If you are very ovwerweight, not gaining any weight at all during pregnancy and even losing some might be actually recommended. You need to talk to your dr and get a reference to a dietitian if he/she thinks there is a need. If this is not an option, or until you get an appointment, I would sugges you check into gestational diabetes diets to see what to eat (even if you do not have diabetes, this will not hurt and it will provide all the nutrients you need) plus set your MFP goal to maintenance.