how did you get started on your journey?



  • kat_princess12
    kat_princess12 Posts: 109 Member
    I knew that to stay intentional about losing weight, I was going to have to overhaul my entire eating style. The afternoon that I decided there was nothing more to wait for, I went through my pantry/fridge/freezer and cleared out all my junk food. All the things I'd mindlessly graze on, all the "comfort" foods I would eat at the end of a stressful day, all the frozen pizzas I'd intend to eat only half of but eat the entirety of in one sitting - all of it. Gave most of it away to two skinny friends. Starting with a clean slate like that was a HUGE help. Then I went to the grocery store and spent way too much getting things I knew I'd eat that wouldn't break the calorie bank - fresh fruits and veggies, salad mix, nuts, Greek yogurt, tofu, oatmeal, etc. I came home and chopped up the fruits and veggies and put them into Tupperware or ziplocs to be added to salads or recipes throughout the week without a bunch of prep time. And then I did a google search for an online food diary or calorie counter and ended up on MFP :)
  • the_log_lady
    the_log_lady Posts: 40 Member
    I decided enough was enough and to get serious, this probably conveniently coincided with a hypomanic episode and for once was used usefully!

    Hahahaha! <3

    Me too. BP1 here. Comorbid panic attacks/ anxiety too.

  • brandid34
    brandid34 Posts: 154 Member
    I started putting on weight after my second son was born. I had always been my high school weight even after my first son was born but after my second it wasn't easy to drop. I was 30 lbs heavier than my high school weight and then I got pregnant again 5 months after his birth. That did a number on my body. Fastforward a terrible few years with my husband having an addiction which resulted in divorce, struggling to get back on my feet for the past 3 years. I realized I'm 35 single, a mom of 3, 5 years away from 40 and I'm 25 lbs too heavy with a busy but a not healthy lifestyle. I want to get healthy. I'm not too concerned with weight as long as I feel good, am living an active lifestyle and enjoying my body. So the first thing I did was visit a doctor, he made sure I was healthy inside (which I am) and then suggested I drop 10 lbs. I starts really slow just learning about food and how to make small changes. I joined mfp 4 days ago when I realized that I had gained 6 lbs due to snacking and portion control and lack of activity. I needed a community to encourage and be part of that was also health minded. Glad you're here! :smile: