Two days a week

Just a simple question for opinions..... Is it horrible to go over calories/ carbs 2 days out of the weeks consistantly?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    It depends on by how much. A couple hundred, no. Enough to wipe out your deficit, yes.

    If you prefer to enjoy yourself on weekends, you can eat a little less during the week and use those extra calories on another day when you want to eat more. Many people here will look at a weekly deficit rather than daily for that reason.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I go over carbs all the time. I had no problem losing all my weight and keeping it off. ( unless you have a medical condition that warrants you to restrict carbs ) carbs don't cause people to gain weight. They're nothing to be scared of. Don't buy into the hype.
    Weight loss comes down to calories, cico. Use your food scale, be as accurate as possible. If you dont end up losing this week, you'll know the days you where over your budget took you out of your deficit
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    It all comes down to CICO and math. If you're set to lose .5 lbs per week and you eat an extra 500 calories, you will not lose .5 lbs that week. You just have to stick to a rate of loss that is not only safe, comfortable for you.
  • cjsgrimlin1
    cjsgrimlin1 Posts: 64 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    It depends on by how much. A couple hundred, no. Enough to wipe out your deficit, yes.

    If you prefer to enjoy yourself on weekends, you can eat a little less during the week and use those extra calories on another day when you want to eat more. Many people here will look at a weekly deficit rather than daily for that reason.

    Interesting. I didnt think of that. Some days i am hundreds under so that might help with that. not an excuse and i'm working on correcting it but it would help to look at long run and not short term. When i work (NURSE) i hardly have time to eat. when i'm home during the week i dont want to but i force myself to. Weekend is family time and we tend to eat more.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    It depends on by how much. A couple hundred, no. Enough to wipe out your deficit, yes.

    If you prefer to enjoy yourself on weekends, you can eat a little less during the week and use those extra calories on another day when you want to eat more. Many people here will look at a weekly deficit rather than daily for that reason.

    Interesting. I didnt think of that. Some days i am hundreds under so that might help with that. not an excuse and i'm working on correcting it but it would help to look at long run and not short term. When i work (NURSE) i hardly have time to eat. when i'm home during the week i dont want to but i force myself to. Weekend is family time and we tend to eat more.

    You can run a weekly goal, especially if your deficit is not too aggressive. I used to eat 1400 during the week, then 2000 on Saturday. That would give me a daily average of 1500.
  • cjsgrimlin1
    cjsgrimlin1 Posts: 64 Member
    I need help with this then, i have a deficit of what 800- 900 cals a day to be at 1200. most days this week i have eaten under or a few over except today and yesterday. but how do i calculate ho much deficit i need for the week add the 800 x7?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I need help with this then, i have a deficit of what 800- 900 cals a day to be at 1200. most days this week i have eaten under or a few over except today and yesterday. but how do i calculate ho much deficit i need for the week add the 800 x7?

    A pound is 3500 calories. So if you are set to lose a pound per week, you have a 500 calorie daily deficit, if you are set to lose two pounds per week, you have a 1000 calorie deficit. I don't know your stats. You can use this to figure out your own goal.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Also, under the Nutrition tab on the phone app, there is a weekly option. It keeps track of how many you have left and your weekly average.
  • cjsgrimlin1
    cjsgrimlin1 Posts: 64 Member
    i see i ate an average of 100 calories over a day if i add it all up for the week so i guess it want so bad. Thank you for your help!!!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Go to reports and you can "eye ball" it. MFP does not do the math, although it should let us have the week option.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I have gradually transitioned over to a weekly calorie allowance based on the TDEE of my goal weight with the assumption I will be maintaining my current activity level. It's working well for me. I don't stress over a day where I go 'over' and I don't feel pressure to eat more on a day with a huge deficit. I also log things like alcohol or desserts across the week, not to cheat but to help me remember: it's sort of like 'hey lush you had 4 glasses of wine at that party, so looky here is one glass per night recorded Sunday-Wednesday; don't even think about drinking again until Thursday!' (Oddly enough, this does the trick for me.) I had everything set to lose one pound a week but since I started this I lose two.