can i have tips?

I really need to get rid of my tummy and build myself (toning up) and I have no upper body strength I can barely do a push up and I can't do burpees because I get out of breath easily, also I have big thighs but a wider butt I want to shape up.I would like to build up my endurance too..I don't know what exercises to do or foods to help me


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You were given some really good programs to start with in your earlier thread. Did you have more specific questions about these? Otherwise you're likely to get much of the same advice.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    If you have 90 lbs to lose as your profile indicates, then most of the changes will come now from diet changes. Count your calories. Which will usually mean either eating smaller portions of what you are currently eating, or changing your diet to include things with more volume and lower calories (like more vegetables for example if you are currently not eating many).
    Regarding exercise, there is no magic routine. The routine that works is the one you commit yourself to. What can you do right now and what do you like doing? Start from there. Any physical activity, walking, cycling, jogging, swimming, any sport, any class, any strength training program will give results if you actually do it. So, start with whatever seems doable, and interesting. As you progress, and become more fit, you can change your routine to whatever feels better suited to your goals at the time.