Walking at Home vs Walking Outside



  • KyleneSusan
    KyleneSusan Posts: 68 Member
    AuntSusie7 wrote: »
    I used to use her DVD's a lot. I lost 50lbs using them 4-5 times a week. In one of her videos she addresses this issue. She praises the benefits of walking outside, taking a spin class, etc. Then, she states that walking outside does not move your body in the same way as her indoor walking do. You use different muscles; muscles you wouldn't normally use during an ordinary walk. Most likely, you aren't doing kicks, knee raises, side steps, or all the arm movements when you're outside. Her workouts are a good, full body aerobic workout. Keep at it, you will see the benefits.

    I agree with the use of different muscles. I imagine that the muscles that are used to actually propel yourself forward are not getting used exactly the same way whist marching in place vs. walking outside. At the same time, the muscles that are used to pull the knees up as high as in a marching step aren't muscles that are typically used when going for a walk outside.

    So I would assume that the calorie burn would be approximately the same, if the heart rate and intensity of the workout can be about the same. The difference would really be felt in which muscles are getting worked. And since it sounds like the OP is getting a good mixture of both types of walking in, no muscles are going ignored.

    I asked my trainer what she recommended for the number of steps I should try to achieve daily and she said that for weight loss, I should aim for something between 12,000 and 14,000 steps a day, and that those steps could be walking or doing aerobic videos at home (which is what I've been doing several days a week).

    So as long as you're moving about and getting steps in, I don't think it matters where exactly you're getting them.
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    edited January 2016
    BriKH23 wrote: »
    Hi guys - thanks for the responses.

    Just to clarify, I do not mean to totally replace outdoor walking with indoor walking. Sometimes when the weather is horrid (like with this weekend's stormy conditions) I figure, for me, an indoor workout is better than none at all. I see what you are saying, but I am just asking about the differences in calories burned if any. :)

    Seconding everyone else. I prefer walking outside, but realistically, if it's super cold or raining it's not going to happen. Whatever my issues with Leslie Sansone might be, I have to think that movement is better than no movement, wherever the movement might happen to be located. The calories burned might be different and might not, though I don't know why they would be, but either will be more calories than you burn sitting on the couch.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    It doesn't make a difference. If you were training to be a race walker and wanted to do it using Leslie Sansone videos I would say otherwise but for general fitness, using the videos indoors is fine.


    The biggest thing is consistency. I like being outdoors, but I'm a wimp. I know I won't walk outside in the snow, ice and subzero temperatures. Leslie keeps me active.

    If you're worried about calorie burn, you can always sustitute some jogging and add extra arm movements while using Leslie. I don't think there is much difference in calorie burn anyway. It's all about what you put into it, indoors or out.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi there.
    Just wanted to post a quick thank you for starting this thread. I'd not heard of Leslie Sansone before, but I've just checked out the videos on YouTube and will be giving them a try. Thanks :smile:

    Check out Jessica Smith too. Her walking workouts are not quite as simple. But, I like having the varitey of both.