Need buddies for motivation

y biggest was 255, I reached 171 but gained the weight back so starting over with weight loss goals. I am active. I love kickboxing, gym &group x class. I've completed several mudruns. Earned my 2x Trifecta with Spartan race 2015. I just started a new workout plan that includes strength and conditioning and 1hr cardio mon-sat.


  • monie5903
    monie5903 Posts: 48 Member
    I just sent you a friend request Monica! I'm Monica too and just got my Trifecta this weekend at the Carolina Beast. I'm still on the high of it all and am thinking of a double trifecta next year. We'll see. I'm hoping to lose these last 55 pounds so that I can be faster and more agile for the Spartan races/distance races I do. Also adding weight lifting back into my routine with some major focus on my upper body. Congrats to you on your double trifecta. AROO!
  • Monica527
    Monica527 Posts: 8 Member
    Oh wow congrats!!!!! I'm just now seeing this notification :) you go are now part of the Trifecta tribe!!! Races are no joke...I had to do them back to back to achieve the double! The most insane thing I've ever done with mudruns! Those Beasts were insane compared to last yr with all the rain here in Texas. It took me a week to recover I was sooooo bruised from gripping all the obstacles for dear life...they were extremely muddy.
  • Monica527
    Monica527 Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah I can't attempt that again unless I lose more weight and more strength...with all the mud it was like running and climbing with 20lb weights wrapped around my ankles. Folks were losing their shoes and continued to race without them! Was just insane lol but I crossed that finishline lol;)