Busy mom looking for support!

Hey there, my name is Monica, I'm 31 and I have about 40-50 lbs to lose. I just joined a few days ago and this site has really helped me count calories. I have 3 kids and packed on 10-20 extra lbs with each pregnancy and now I'm ready for it to come off. I'm hoping to reach my goal weight in one year by healthier eating habits and getting more activity. So far so good, I just need to keep going! Any moms out there add me if you'd like!


  • bettermarz
    bettermarz Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Stacy,
    I'm I mum of two girls; two and a half and five weeks. I lost some weight with MFP before I fell pregnant and now I'm back. I'm here everyday and I love watching everyone's progress on my news feed. I'll send you a request.
  • sumitha850402
    sumitha850402 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Monica.. Im a mother of one kid and finding it so difficult to shed of my extra kilos. I have been at the weight side after college. And now after pregnancy im at 80. I really need to loose at least 10kg in the next couple of month before I start planning for my second child. I just joined yesterday and trying my best to control my calorie intake. Im a full time working mum with long work hours. Cant even find time for workout. Hoping to get some support here
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Hey Monica, I'm Katie. I am a mom to 3 young kids - 5, 4 and 3 years old. I work a full-time corporate job and am also divorced so I understand being busy. Feel free to add me. I've been on here a while, lost 38lbs and still have about 20lbs to drop (hopefully by my 30th bday which is in March).