Young Family Man

Hi I'm Dan. I'm looking to lose 100 pounds within a year. I had been fit most of my life until a couple of years ago when I got married and had a beutiful daughter. Since these events I have not been looking after myself at all and gained roughly 100 pounds.
I hope to achieve the big initial part of my weight loss by diet and walking as jogging would be to damaging on my already over weighted knees.
Please feel free to add me if you have simular goals or are just looking for some friendly support!
Kind regards,


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi Dan! I was able to lose 110 lbs and keep it off. I started with walking and added more activity as I was able to. I'd love to encourage you along the way. Feel free to add me!