in need of supportive pals!

I recently came back after having my baby, and actually weigh less than before the pregnancy.

I am a mom of 4, still have at least 60 lbs to lose, 5'2, and also have multiple autoimmune diseases that like to make weight loss even more difficult.

Looking for friends for support along the way! I weigh and log everything and I am trying to get back into exercising. (I saty trying because my baby is still less than a month old and can't jump right in yet).


  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hey there!

    Mommy of 3, my youngest is 4 months. I - on the charts have 70 to loose, but I've not weight 110 since 6th grade! In grade 12 I was a size 8 and 135 and fit, so that's where I would put my realistic best case hallelujah weight.

    I'm currently 185. 145 would make me very happy. That's what I was at 19.

    I'm also 5'2''.

    Just turned 36!

    What's your goal weight?
  • squires03071986
    squires03071986 Posts: 48 Member
    My youngest is 7 weeks old. I've got three children and never lost any of the baby weight. I'm 203 lbs, goal weight is 140lbs. I turn 30 next July and I'm determined not to enter my 30's feeling fat and miserable.
  • paulesmond
    paulesmond Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck on your quest. Be good to yourself, work hard and congratulate yourself when you do well. If you face setbacks, just keep at it.