need food ideas

I'm currently 25 wks pregnant and have a 4 year old n on my own. I'm on low income I don't have a freezer so can't do bulk cooking. Struggling to find healthy food for me n my 4 yr old that will eat I struggle with thinking of cheap and healthy meals I hope I don't sound to pathetic thanks for reply s please add me :)


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    That is not pathetic at all! We all like to save money while feeding our families well :)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    What can the four year old eat?
    Inexpensive foods and easy to prepare:
    Peanut butter on bread, black beans and rice, pinto beans and tacos, egg fried rice, Spaghetti and meat balls.
    Also canned or frozen fruit and vegetables.
    Inexpensive fresh veggies include potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, collard greens.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Sweet potatoes are on sale this time of year and keep well in a dark cool place. My kids always loved them. Add some black beans and sour cream or salsa and you have a satisfying and easy meal.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you're in the States and not on WIC, I urge you to see if you qualify and get on it if you do. It can get you milk, cheese, eggs, peanut butter and beans. I think it's expanded in recent years as well. That can help your grocery budget.

    Dried beans and rice as a base to put meat on, if you have it. You can batch cook a bit, cook up ground beef or chicken, and it will keep for a few days in the fridge. Canned veggies aren't as good as fresh, but they're fairly inexpensive and keep longer. If you're able to start to pick up spices here and there as your budget allows, that can help change up similar meals so they don't feel repetitive.

    Pasta with sauce and sausage
    I know this sounds gross, at least my husband thinks so, but you can mix tuna and peas to mac n' cheese to add protein and stretch it a bit. You could also probably add canned chicken and any other veg.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Beans are excellent -- both as sources of protein and healthy carbs. If you start your 4-year-old eating healthy now he will be better at it as he ages. If you need to ease him into the beans, start him off on some canned baked beans and slowly wean him off all the sugar in them by mixing them with un-flavored canned beans. Then slowly start adding vegetables to the beans, like green and red bell peppers, carrots, celery, etc. As you eat it, tell him how delicious it is.

    Remember that if you spend most of your grocery money in the veggie aisle, your little family will be much healthier. You'd be amazed how much food a head of cabbage turns into and it keeps very well in the fridge. Sweet potatoes are cheap and very healthy. So are carrots.

    Whole grains are also very good for you and many are quite cheap. Oatmeal can not only be eaten for breakfast but is great cooked with savory ingredients. Just google "savory oatmeal" and you'll find lots of recipes. I particularly like oatmeal cooked with mushrooms. Brown rice is also cheap and very good for you. And, sort of in reverse to having savory oatmeal for supper, make enough brown rice that you can have leftovers for breakfast. It's really good with a little cinnamon and sugar. So much cheaper and better for you and the kids than boxed cereals.

    The magic search word on google for finding inexpensive ways to cook and eat is "frugal." Google something like 'toddler frugal snacks' and you'll find lots of suggestions from moms in your same boat.

    Now, give that kidlet a hug and tell the one in your tummy you love him!