Vegan Breakfast Ideas

Hi there! I've recently begun my personal journey of switching to a completely vegan diet and it definitely hasn't been without difficulties.

Breakfast seems to be the hardest meal of the day for me as I used to eat either boiled/scrambled eggs or yogurt in order to avoid carbs, since I like to have a hefty serving for dinner and as snacks throughout the day. I'm looking for a good vegan substitute or alternative for these, as currently I'm stuck on toast and it's not keeping me full for long enough + it's way too many carbs in the run of a day.

I've got the yogurt covered, as I'm just buying the dairy free brands, but the eggs are harder, I've looked up the tofu/chickpea scrambled eggs and was curious about peoples experiences with those?

Also any other quick and easy morning alternatives would be much appreciated! New to this whole thing and still learning the way of it.

I did a quick search through the groups and couldn't find one that I wanted to join, but if there is a good group for vegan members to discuss food ideas I'd love it if you could direct me in that direction!


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I love a tofu scramble, either mixed with vegetables or put inside a tortilla. But my usual weekday breakfast is leftovers from the night before.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    I cook oatmeal with almond milk. If I don't have almond milk, I blend raw almonds instead. I also always add sugar. Delicious and very filling.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Oatmeal is an excellent option.

    I personally don't like tofu scramble or any of the egg substitutes.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I love a tofu scramble, either mixed with vegetables or put inside a tortilla. But my usual weekday breakfast is leftovers from the night before.

    Pretty much exactly the same for me.
  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    Look for Happy Herbivores and Team Vegan in the groups here. I can't recommend an egg substitute as haven't tried any. I eat oatmeal or porridge for breakfast as it keeps me full till lunch but maybe too many carbs for you. You may find it difficult to eat a low-carb vegan diet but perhaps someone else here is doing that and can help.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Sweet potatoes bake up very quickly in the microwave and then you can throw on some black beans and salsa. It is good any time of day.
  • eugenia94102
    eugenia94102 Posts: 126 Member
    I third tofu scramble - my favorite weekend breakfast. I mix rolled oats with almond milk (sometimes I add chia seeds) and leave it in the refrigerator - the recipes say overnight, mine stay there days - as a grab and go breakfast. I confess I often skip it altogether, because I also find it difficult, and I'm rarely hungry in the mornings.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I was going to say black beans with avocado and salsa, but it seems you're avoiding carbs.

    If you like tofu, I'd see how that works as an egg substitute, as has been suggested. Or, how about a big helping of roasted veggies? Or something similar to what you'd eat for lunch.
  • nicolemarie__
    nicolemarie__ Posts: 9 Member
    It's not that I'm avoiding carbs or trying to eat low carb (trust me, that's definitely not it :P) , it's that I'm already eating a plenty during other meals and breakfast was always the easiest meal for me to lower my carbs in! I just don't want to be eating oatmeal/toast for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and than pasta/potatoes for supper. Though I need to start experimenting with other meals anyways, so I could always rotate it around.

    Lots of yay for the tofu scramble! I'll definitely give that a try with some fried veggies then!

    Didn't know about sweet potatoes in the microwave... Will probably start doing that quite a bit as well, just bought a couple today :yum:
  • Naley2322
    Naley2322 Posts: 181 Member
    Small Japanese sweet potato with cinnamon and ginger! I eat it almost every morning!
  • fatguitarist
    fatguitarist Posts: 25 Member
    Cliff bar :)