How much protein IS "too much"



  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    The Body can ONLY absorb 26 grams or less of "protein" per day. Everything else is waste! I put protein in quotations because there is No such thing as protein; there are aminos and someone came up with which ones THEY believe are essential. Protein is a Myth, and the need for it in great numbers are an even Bigger myth, this is one reason for so many diseases, EXCESS "protein" actually it is Excess food products that carry these aminos that the Body can not digest to get to the aminos...such as meats and dairy. Those excess food products can not be broken down by the Body so they just sit and cause damage. Ever heard that beef can stay in the intestines for yrs...TRUE. And guess what, it is just rotting there, a cancer waiting to happen.

    This is old, flawed information. There was a recent study on elderly women who were fed 50-80 grams of protein per meal and up to 175 grams per day. They were able to absorb it just fine with no negative side effects. The study was on the effect of a high protein diet on bone density. Although high protein did not effect the density of bone, the study did disprove the previous assumption that humans are only able to absorb a small amount of protein per meal or per day.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member

    Less we forget, your cells are always replicating. What is your DNA made up of?

    Wait! I know the answer to this one: Deoxyribonucleic acid . Ding, ding, ding! :tongue:
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    I wonder what our ancestors did with all that extra meat after hunting a mammoth when they realised that your body cant eat that much protein?

    After passing it around to all the folks who directly helped with the hunt, their families, and everyone else in the band... what extra meat are we talking about again? Not to mention, this was ice age megafauna which implies fat galore.

    Exactly -- mammoth hunting was probably as much about fat as it was about protein. Wild game hunters have always target fat animals over lean, muscular animals. I'd have to re-locate it, but I remember an interesting anthro article about how buffalo hunting tribes on the plains would target pregnant females in the spring in order to eat the fetuses, and they'd leave the lean meat There can come a point where the game is so lean from winter starvation that hunters reject it for sources of fat instead.

    Protein on its own, you can starve on (see the "rabbit starvation" link above. But most protein comes handily packaged with eitheir fat or carbs. The problem is when people decide both carbs and fat are bad and try to live without either).
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    From Layne Norton

    BioLayne Video Log 4 - Myths About Protein
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    The Body can ONLY absorb 26 grams or less of "protein" per day. Everything else is waste! I put protein in quotations because there is No such thing as protein; there are aminos and someone came up with which ones THEY believe are essential. Protein is a Myth, and the need for it in great numbers are an even Bigger myth, this is one reason for so many diseases, EXCESS "protein" actually it is Excess food products that carry these aminos that the Body can not digest to get to the aminos...such as meats and dairy. Those excess food products can not be broken down by the Body so they just sit and cause damage. Ever heard that beef can stay in the intestines for yrs...TRUE. And guess what, it is just rotting there, a cancer waiting to happen.

    In for broscience...

    And for lurkers trying to educate themselves...Just say NO to the above. Take it from someone who suffered from protein deficiency.
    For a little insight, read the poster's profile. Wow.

    In along with everybody else to say that the above could not possibly be any more completely wrong in any/all ways. There is not one single sentence in that entire post which contains any correct information.
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    check out the below link

    that'll tell you how much you need for your body, and even gives you a sample meal plan to follow to help you out.

    totally agree with anvilhead btw.. whoever he's quoting isn't well educated and has regurgitated someone else's data with no research of their own.

    someone great once said (i can't mind who):

    cut out [refined] carbs = no effect
    cut out fat = malnutrition in months
    cut out protein = incapacitation within 7 days.

    says it all.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    The Body can ONLY absorb 26 grams or less of "protein" per day. Everything else is waste! I put protein in quotations because there is No such thing as protein; there are aminos and someone came up with which ones THEY believe are essential. Protein is a Myth, and the need for it in great numbers are an even Bigger myth, this is one reason for so many diseases, EXCESS "protein" actually it is Excess food products that carry these aminos that the Body can not digest to get to the aminos...such as meats and dairy. Those excess food products can not be broken down by the Body so they just sit and cause damage. Ever heard that beef can stay in the intestines for yrs...TRUE. And guess what, it is just rotting there, a cancer waiting to happen.

    Are you sure its not 28g? Please keep your none sense to yourself. You are welcome to live your vegan lifestyle, but please get some of the facts correct.
  • kwedman488
    kwedman488 Posts: 132 Member
    I feel that I should just put the general, straightforward answer so here ya go: you're supposed to have an intake of .5-1g per pound of body weight. If you're less active, aim for .5 or .6g per pound. The more active you are, the more protein you should try to take in so that your muscles can use it to function properly and convert fat to muscle. You don't really need to worry about taking too much, because really you would have to be actively trying to overdo it on purpose for it to happen, but like I said if you're less active, your muscles/body aren't needing that excess energy that you're getting from protein, since it yields 4 kcal/g just like carbohydrates. So overdoing protein can still cause you to gain an excess of fat if you aren't expending those extra calories from too much protein. So for example: I am 107 pounds and I am very active, so I multiply my weight by .8 to get roughly 85 ish grams of protein that I should aim for per day. I currently get to about 81 g or so every day, so I call it close enough. It's all kind of a rough estimate, but as long as you don't try to exceed your protein needs by a large majority, you will be fine.