Quitting caffine- starving

I recently decided to take a break on drinking tea/other caffeinated drinks for various reasons, and its only day two and i am HUNGRY. I didn't realize how much I used it as an appetite suppressant until trying to stop. Does this go away, and if so does anyone have any ideas on what to do in the meantime? I keep snacking on everything, even with drinking a ton of water. I am so worried about undoing any progress I have made over the last 3 months but at the same time I want to see this through. Anyone try this and have any advice? Thanks!!


  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    Caffiene can be a huge appetite suppressant, so your extra hunger makes sense! I'm not sure if it will go away once you adjust or if you would always have been hungry if you'd never started drinking coffee (if that makes sense...)

    So plan on this hunger, pack snacks with you for work. I like slices of lunch meat with cheese sticks, greek yogurt, apples, and almonds as snacks at work.

    I tried to give up coffee once but after two days I realized there really was no reason to avoid it altogether and just reduced the "toppings". That was always my issue, making the coffee calorie dense. Now its pretty simple and I just go for it. Its helpful for me, hopefully you find a way to make your plan work for you!
  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    Just try flavored water or gum. Personally, I doubt the efficacy of caffeine as an appetite suppressant. I like coffee, but it's the flavor that keeps me from craving food. I get the same benefit from chewing on gum, or drinking some vitamin water zero (I get the drops, as it's cheaper).

    Or, try filling low calorie snacks. I like carrots and snap peas, but pretty much any veggie will do.
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    I've dramatically reduced my coffee intake from about a pot a day (sometimes more) down to 16oz - 32 oz in the morning to see if that helps with my sleeping issues (wake up during the night). I've noticed that I get hungrier earlier in the day. It used to be that I had zero interest in food until about 6 in the evening, now I start thinking about food around 2 in the afternoon. I recommend eating something if you're hungry - just make it fit into your calorie budget. Good luck!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Did you go cold turkey? Just a warning--in addition to the cravings, you may exhibit typical withdrawal symptoms: headache, fatigue, anxiety, irritability...

    Have you tried chewing gum (trading one bad habit for a different one)?

    Personally I have gone periods without much caffeine, but I think I need some to function. I just make sure to have my coffee with minimal toppings and I drink a ton of plain green tea throughout the day.
  • 60muffin
    60muffin Posts: 28 Member
    You need to come off caffeine gradually as it's like an addictive drug. If you go cold turkey you can cause all sorts of problems for yourself. Cut down over a period of weeks then you should be OK. The first week have half a cup instead of a full one when you usually have it, the second week cut out every other one, the third week just have your morning and evening cuppa, then the fourth week cut out either your morning or evening one. The fifth week cut out the remaining cuppa. If you drink cola and eat chocolate you need to reduce these accordingly too and maybe give yourself an extra week or so. It may be a slow process but I learnt the hard way and ended up in hospital. Good luck.
  • zane856
    zane856 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks everyone! I like the idea of cutting down on it gradually- it totally sucks like this. I don't drink coffee, only tea, but a lot of it. I am guessing because it's just tea its not AS bad as quitting coffee or sodas, but the hungry aspect of it sucks! I can deal with the rest. While I generally eat healthy snacks and have been continuing to do so, I am eating a lot more than normal and it is definitely adding up, I am already at my calorie limit for the day and it's not even dinner time yet. I really hope this goes away... I could see this being a problem if not!
  • 60muffin
    60muffin Posts: 28 Member
    Have you tried herbal infusions? You will probably have to phaff about to start with to find what you like as they are an acquired taste but they make a good alternative.
  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    zane856 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! I like the idea of cutting down on it gradually- it totally sucks like this. I don't drink coffee, only tea, but a lot of it. I am guessing because it's just tea its not AS bad as quitting coffee or sodas, but the hungry aspect of it sucks! I can deal with the rest. While I generally eat healthy snacks and have been continuing to do so, I am eating a lot more than normal and it is definitely adding up, I am already at my calorie limit for the day and it's not even dinner time yet. I really hope this goes away... I could see this being a problem if not!

    Just wondering, but how much is a lot? I don't consume much in the way of caffeine most days (I make a new batch of French press coffee every other day, so only about 12-16 oz a day). On the weekends though, my sister and I sometimes go through a gallon or two of tea (per day).

    But I've also never had a caffeine high from tea. Whereas I can feel the coffee I've been sipping on all day (still hungry though, didn't bring lunch today :( )
  • zane856
    zane856 Posts: 60 Member
    3 mugs of black tea a day. Which doesn't sound like a lot, it doesn't feel like a lot, but I have Crohn's disease and my stomach seems to be doing worse the more I consume. So I'm trying to give It up for a while to see if it helps. But it may be counter productive if I stuff my face and my stomach disintegrates that way ... I guess I'll have to see which is the lesser of two evils !
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    zane856 wrote: »
    3 mugs of black tea a day. Which doesn't sound like a lot, it doesn't feel like a lot, but I have Crohn's disease and my stomach seems to be doing worse the more I consume. So I'm trying to give It up for a while to see if it helps. But it may be counter productive if I stuff my face and my stomach disintegrates that way ... I guess I'll have to see which is the lesser of two evils !

    I was about to ask you what reason you had for quitting caffeine (since it is obviously the sweet nectar of the gods). Have you tried tricking yourself with caffeine free tea? Maybe it is just the sipping that keeps your hands and mouth occupied? I know that when I am bored or not busy I drink even more coffee, and I am pretty sure this would translate to food if I quit.

  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    edited November 2015
    My grandmother has Crohn's so I feel for ya. She switched to half-caff coffee. So yeah, cutting back can't hurt.

    Have you tried a different tea? You might be able to find one that has less caffeine. Or just brew it weaker (not something I would normally suggest, since I like my tea strong and bitter). I also sometimes drink teas without caffeine ("herbal teas", I guess). My favorite is a cinnamon and cardamom tea that I get from HEB.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    How about weening yourself down slowly?
  • zane856
    zane856 Posts: 60 Member
    I do drink a lot of ginger and peppermint tea for my stomach and it is amazingly beneficial stomach condition wise. I'm guessing that isn't going to help me with this hunger problem, but maybe you are on the right track with this tricking my brain idea. I might also have to pick it back Up and stop it again slowly as some are suggesting. I ate so much the past two days. I don't see this ending very well either way :-( I got a bunch of gum today. Hopefully that helps ...? None of it seems like an actual solution, just more of a mind trick, so I may have to go into it that way !! Thanks everyone for the amazing advice !!
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    zane856 wrote: »
    3 mugs of black tea a day. Which doesn't sound like a lot, it doesn't feel like a lot, but I have Crohn's disease and my stomach seems to be doing worse the more I consume. So I'm trying to give It up for a while to see if it helps. But it may be counter productive if I stuff my face and my stomach disintegrates that way ... I guess I'll have to see which is the lesser of two evils !

    Two things...did you consider going 1/2 caff? Also, while I know very little about Crohn's disease, when I drink tea I have to have cream in it or it's too acidic for my stomach. Only cream or 1/2 & 1/2, milk won't do it. I also put ground ginger to help my stomach. Funny cause coffee doesn't do that to me.