Uk dad

Good morning looking to make new friends. I'm a uk dad who 35 looking to drop 8% body fat and get my fitness lvl up. Happy to listen and help the best I can and keep each other going.. Thanks Mike


  • Jayz395
    Jayz395 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm a uk dad. I could never work out body fat want to lose a stone. I'm half way there since using the fitness pal
  • michaelhornby365
    michaelhornby365 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey. There machines in boots that do weight high and body fat and mass.. Think it's. £1 and should give you rough body fat% Been told to never go off weight as the fitter you become the more muscle you have the weight will stay the same or go up. But that great you lost half.. Must fill great.. I lost about 6 stone taking me 9 months but so fill great..