I need friends and supporters I'll do the same in return.

Hello everyone I'm not gonna write a paragraph as to why I'm losing weight I'll brief it up :)

I'm a mommy of a newborn and 3 other kids. I was about 200 lbs before the last baby I lost 30 and felt great!!!! Then I got pregnant again Lol so I'm on a mission to loose the baby weight I gained.I gained 27 lbs I'm pregnancy and kept 15 so please help me with words od encouragement and just looking my post so I can shed this off. Being a mom its so hard to put your self last and that was my mistake in the past. Oh wow I said I didn't wanna write a paragraph and here I am babbling Lol I am 1 month postpartum and need this sagging belly gone!!!! I have a hour glass's shape naturally so all my weight falls on my hips! And thighs. Any suggestions on food or working out will be nice. Thanks guys lets do this.
